Chapter 73

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Something wasn't right and he could feel it. The tension between the air and himself was so strong. The air was whistling through his ears as if it was telling him something. The blow of the wind seemed to be getting harder that almost made him stumble as he fights the creature he is physically fighting now.

George could feel the nature around him changing. He could feel it slowly becoming calmer but becoming out of control. He shoots the creature down using his crossbow once he finally got both its hands against the ground using his earth element.

He sighed running his hands through his hair in frustration. He looked around and saw everyone fighting except for Ranboo and Bad who were down. Ranboo was hurt and Bad was trying to heal him but it seemed to not work. Black veins were already growing throughout his body slowly making their way to the heart.

No one told him even Bad himself didn't. But everyone knew that he was slowly dying as the dark magic reaches his heart sending him shaking. However, they hoped that wouldn't happen. George was still glancing around. Techno and Sapnap are working together as they fight against four shadow ones but he didn't see Dream.

He swore to the Gods that he saw him a while ago maybe five minutes ago. "Where are you Clay" he muttered under his breath. Ever since he knew Dream's real name he tried to keep himself calling the dirty blond Clay other than the made-out name which is Dream.

Ever since the day the book spoke or he should say their rightful late prince. He realized that Dream was supposed to be called Clay. The name that he was born with and destined in. He just now even realized that if the shadow ones never happened. He could have never been a prince but a folk in the village. That could have been nice, he thought also realizing that of that didn't happen. Clay could have been prince not him.

"Prince Clay" he thought chuckling.

Glancing around he remembered the book the spell of the Elemental energy. When he heard steps walking towards the tunnel as he watched Clay talk to himself with the crystal he powers. Practicing his magic and reading about the Elemental Energy. When Clay fell asleep peacefully dreaming about something.

He got curious and walked to him reading the book. He remembered when he brushed the dirty blond's hair that was on his forehead as he reads the page. He could feel his hands shaking in fear as he reads the book glaring at Clay with his eyes widened. So he mumbled the only words that he could say. "You won't do it. And I will make sure of it"

But right now. He wasn't sure. "Where is Dream?!" He yelled to Sapnap and Techno who were busy fighting.

"I saw him a while ago! Then he disappeared! I think I saw him run to the forest!" Sapnap yelled back as he continued fighting along with Techno who stabbed his sword that was filled with black slimy blood dripping to the floor.

George swore under his breath hoping that Dream have not done something so stupid by now. But it seemed like he was wrong when he saw the shadow ones screaming more like they were in pain even if no one is fighting them. He shivered in fear glaring at the forest that was filled with fogs and growls of the creatures. "He can't" he breathed, "He can't do that," he said again.

Glancing around making sure everyone was okay--that was a success. He instantly ran towards the forest path where he and Dream went on the dirty blond's birthday. He could feel tears forming in his eyes but he shut them off as he ran his heart beating fast like the speed of light. He could feel everything tense around him. He could already feel the cold vines crawling against his feet so he made walls of stone from left and right except for his back and front.

The vines instantly disappeared dissolving on the ground when he did that. He was running out of breath, he glared around as he ran and saw a white creature in the distance. He tilted his head confused as he wiped away the forming tears in his eyes making his way to the creature his speed still constant. 

When he arrived he saw a horse but it wasn't any other horse but Spirit who was glowing white. He glared at Spirit in slight awe and fear, "What- you're immune?" he said his voice raising running his hands through Spirit's white fur. 

He smiled softly and placed his arms around Spirit's neck as he launched himself upon Spirit's back causing the horse to kick its hooves into the air. "You will be helping me get there" he huffed positioning his hands-on Spirit's neck again as he placed his boots against her sides. Once he was reading positioning himself he tap onto Spirit's neck which made Spirit whine as she instantly ran towards the place where George was taking her.

George slightly stumbled while he was sitting on Spirit's back riding her as Spirit galloped at a very fast pace. George could see the creatures that were on their tails running toward them like psychos but the thing is they were psychos as their claws clenched on the ground. The brunet gulped kicking onto Spirit's stomach carefully not hurting the girl as Spirit galloped in a speed. "Come on" he mumbled.

Carefully looking away from the direction they were going George summoned large shards of ice from the sky big and wide enough to block off the shadow ones slowing them down from catching up. As the ice hits the ground he saw the creatures growl glaring daggers at George with their white eyes. He smiled glaring back to where they were going as he sees the fountain getting close and the mountain of mysteries.

When they arrived George halted Spirit as he jumped to the ground. From a distance, he could hear muffled screams from someone that he hoped wasn't Dream but his hopes were low. Shivers run down his spine as he quickly made his way behind the now frozen waterfall that had small rocks in them.

George saw the skeleton that he saw a few months ago he still was scared but he had enough courage to go closer to it. He placed his hands against the stone handle. He flinched shaking when he heard the familiar voice screaming. Dream, he thought as his hands began to shake glaring at the door behind him.

He took a deep breath pushing the door open and being met with him. There he was screaming in agony his whole body glowing red as little by little his soul and magic gets absorbed. The egg of the shadow ones was also glowing dark red as rays of the moon began to shoot at the egg. He glared at Dream unsteadily. Whole-body shaking glowing red, his lungs out of breath from screaming.

He did what he thought was stupid and instantly ran to Dream pushing him off the egg. Instantly dream body started to become normal but it was still weak. "Thank God" he muttered but he widened his eyes when he felt a sudden pain rush over his body. Widening his eyes he glared at his hands that were attached to the egg. He tried to remove it however it would not budge.

He cursed under his breath glaring at Dream more worried about the knight other than himself. He could feel tears running through his cheeks in pure pain but he could not care. "It hurts" he mumbled as he was shaking. Before he could push Dream off the egg, he saw that he was almost finished and the dirty blond was about to die.

Because unlike Philza who had a lot of experience--the dirty blond did not. But he also realized that he had enough energy to continue what Dream was doing. He knew it wouldn't work if it was all on him but for the most part, Dream did all the work. But now that he was continuing what the knight was doing. He guessed that he had enough energy to full fill it. 

Unlike Dream which took about ten minutes for the egg to take up his soul. His was a lot faster, he could feel his soul leaving his body at the speed of light because of his weak mana.

Not even realizing he collapsed to the ground. His vision was blury and his body was weak since there was no energy left. But all he did was smile weakly turning his eyes to Dream to see him breathing heavily unlike him that was weak where he could feel his heart becoming slower and slower. He smiled because he saved Dream. Keep him safe from the danger that he was about to finish. 

All just because I love him, he thought finally as his eyes closed to peace.

A/N Trust the process. OKAY?! 

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