Chapter 52

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I have waited for many centuries millenniums. A word for a thousand to this very week. These people do not know what they are about to face—what they are about to see with their very own eyes. These creatures are different; different from the ones this universe has ever seen. These creatures do not compare to the dragons that destroyed the villages, the crazy evil witch that terrorized the lands of Elemenia.

These things are not the species anyone can compare to what they have faced.

One glare—one look—one touch on these creatures' rough skin, white eyes, and large claws will be enough to make all of the villagers pass out all at once. They didn't even need to get touched by these creatures to get affected. The creature's face is enough to make a person get a heart attack. A massive one, enough to kill them.

They are ridiculously scary. They only cause terror to the world, horror to the people, and damage to the buildings and things I cannot even describe. They are not horrible; they are not bad; they are not nasty. But they are so much more than that. Those words are not the words to describe them. These creatures when I saw them with my very own eyes. All those words combined are not enough to define them.

They are so much worse. They choose blood; they choose destruction; they choose to kill; they do not give mercy; they do not have their own minds. They eliminate who they see; they hear and they touch. They do not care for a single soul; do not even care for their own lives. They only seek what is bad; what is worst and what is to be good and what is good.

The creatures are read from books. They say "They are powerful" "Bad" all those types of words. But when the people of elemenia see them. They won't be able to find the rightful word to describe these creatures.

When I saw these creatures. I felt my soul get sucked into abyss. My mind dissolve into a hole of emotion. Seeing them kill the villagers many by many one by one. Turning the innocent people into stone; shattering into millions of pieces when they get knocked over. I cannot even look at them for a brief of seconds.

I saw when the villagers stare at the creatures with terror in their eyes. Their whole bodies shook, and I could hear their heart beating miles away. Hands sweating and breaths getting heavier by the second. But they do not realize. They do not realize when they show that they are scared. They get killed faster; they get tortured worst. They become more vulnerable.

I sent so many of my visions to these two dreams. Giving them confusion and nightmares only for the sake of warning them and the kingdom of elemenia. I cannot risk losing this world again. Turning each leaf, each petal that came from flowers that just had blossomed. Turn into stone.

The day is coming.

Time is moving quick. 

They must work fast,

Before everything they ever loved dissolves into nothingness.

A/N - I'll post a chapter again later since this is short. This is more like a mystery POV that you will never see again. See you again later!

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