Chapter 51

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There are more than one hundred thousand words in the English dictionary yet none of them could describe the place he was in; the feeling he was witnessing; and the sound that was screaming in his ears. He couldn't even tell if it was silent or it was really noisy but his head is hurting badly. The sound of the blowing wind was passing through his ears; stumbling him in so many directions he could even explain.

It was violent. The wind felt like a fist to the throat but this was through the skin. The horror sounds of the atmosphere were making his head hurt. His vision was heavily blurry; his legs were wobbly that he couldn't even tell if he was standing or not and his hands were just dead swaying against the air. The ground was just black. It was like he was standing at the entrance of a black hole in the galaxy.

In the sky above him was a blur. A dark—black blur, some blurry white spots was seen in his eye as they were tears forming. There was some light but it was faint. Dangerously faint that he almost couldn't see his bare hands. Far to the direction, he was facing on. He saw a castle. Heavy rainy clouds were on the towers; they were about the same level. Lightning was appearing constantly but there weren't any sounds that would make him flinch.

Fogs of shadows were surrounding him. Red and white eyes all on him all around that made him shiver his blood rushing through his veins. In a distance, there was that light again. A shimmering periwinkle light was glowing it was slightly blurry because of the dark gray surrounding it but it was heavily visible. It kept glowing like it was telling him to come closer to it. To embrace it wrapping his arms around the light as his life depended.


Dream shot awake breathing heavily sweat was staining his bedsheets and his shirt. His hands and legs were trembling as he had just been hit as he was laying in bed. His fists were clenched around the sheets of the bed as he was shaking like he just saw the universe break into pieces. "A nightmare" he shakingly mumbled, "I never get those. At least not normally"

He remembered the periwinkle light from his nightmare. The same light; same color; the same glow was there in his Dream. Like what he saw in the sorcerer's lab. He shook his head mentally as he kicked to covers sending them flying through the air as he stood up, "No" he said, "It's just a coincidence. Just a dream nightmare. I have to worry about don't have to worry about it"

Looking around his room his eyes landed on his shelf. There laid across the shelf he saw a book—the one he brought from his village glow white. It almost made him look away just because of the shimmer that hit his eyes. He blinked making sure that he was seeing things and saw it turn back to normal. He sighed not knowing if he should be relieved or worried. But he didn't even know if he was seeing things so he just shrugged it off.

"That... that is a weird thing to happen right when I wake up from a nightmare" he nervously chuckled under his breath as he made his way to the bathroom.


Dream clicked the two belts that were clipped on his painted mask behind his head; grunting when he felt his slightly wavy hair get stuck in the lock. He groaned annoyed flinching when he felt the lock pull his hair tightly. "Oh how nice!" he said "This is a nice thing that could happen to me to start a new day, I'm so grateful" he threw his arms into the air rolling his eyes. He motioned his hands to his hair slowly pulling off the stuck hair that was stuck in the locks one by one.

After carefully pulling off the last string of hair out of the lock. He gasped as he slumped against the wall relieved, "finally that's over, Jesus" he said annoyed then pushing himself away from the wall using his hands that were pressed on the concrete.

He gestured himself to the door, clicking the look open then pulling it to him. Right when he took a step outside. He was almost shoved to the ground by a maid who was carrying a stack of shiny golden plates quickly. He widened his eyes as he turned to the corner of the wall to the other side as he slightly slumped. "I should have expected it," he said "The ball is coming in the next few days. Of course, they're going to be busy"

It was true. The ball of the bloody moon was coming in the next two days. For them except for Dream, time moved so fast. Most of the maids were panicking thinking that they wouldn't be able to make it in time to the ball because of the so many preparations. Dream hasn't seen the ballroom yet, he spent most of his time training with either Nick or Technoblade in the training room. And sometimes with George when the prince is not doing anything but read in the library.

"Busy day huh?" a monotone voice spoke beside him.

Dream smiled slightly smirking when he heard the very familiar voice. He turned his whole body around facing where the voice came from and saw Techno. His hair was differently braided this time. On the back, it was loose, nothing was attached but on the front, there was a small but long braid from the top to the end.

"Indeed. Today is quite busy especially early in the morning. They have been preparing for this ball for the past two weeks. It must have been stressful, especially for the queen" he breathed.

Techno chuckled deeply as he slumped against the wall, "There will be princesses that will be coming. I wonder if one of them will have the looks to make Prince George fall in love with them" for some reason, Dream felt a wave of anger rise in him. He didn't know if it was because of jealousy but he didn't mind anyways since it had already happened. The only thing that was repeating in his mind right now was the fact that George could get a fiance right after the ball of the bloody moon.

He could just imagine the prince smiling widely as he holds a princess' hands tightly as they danced around the ball. The light follows them wherever they move their footsteps too. The girl's hands golding George's hands tightly and her other hand on George's shoulder. While he was just there in the shadows, completely ignored as he watches the prince-

"But then again. Countless princesses have tried flirting with the prince for the past years. In celebrations, balls, birthdays yet no one and I mean no one succeded" Techno sighed as he slumped against the wall looking at his boots carefully tracing his eyes on the patterns, "Oh well. I still have knight stuff to do. Best of luck pall" Techno said as he tapped the dirty blond's shoulder disappearing into the halls.


It was tiring to get here. He had to walk through the stupidly long halls, to the diagonal stairs as he takes steps carefully hoping he wouldn't trip even if he wished he could just slide his way using the border of the stairs that sadly was not allowed...and then he repeated the whole process again. Hall by hall, step by step he finally made it in the ballroom.

To his expectations, he was met with many more busier maids. Looking around to his left, he saw a fountain. It was painted gold and had silver details on it. The water symbol was painted white on four sides like the circle acted as it was a square when it's not. He watched in awe when he saw a maid fill the fountain up from the top using her water element.

Her fingers pointed at the tip of the fountain releasing water that flew to the bottom. As the maid was filling the fountain up. He saw Karl who was beside her hold up his hands as they faced the fountain. He mumbled a few words of spells that made his body release cold air using his hands that made the fountain freeze.

"Nice to see you here"

Dream instantly turned his head to where the voice came from and saw George who was looking at him with a smile on his face. "Mind helping me?" he murmured looking innocently at Dream.

The Hidden Kingdom of Magic | Dreamnotfound ✔︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن