Chapter 28

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The sunlight gets absorbed by the crystal clear forcefield colored sky blue. The sound of the aura was heard by their ears, forcefield moving like the waves of the seven oceans. A nightingale was flapping its wings with a bandage on it exiting the worlds of elements that were on the other side of the border; entrance to the kingdom.

The prince stared at the small bird staring in awe as he sees the bird exit the world he lived in his whole life drop to his shoulder landing on its claws smoothly. George chuckled as he raised his index finger that was crawled for the bird to hop on to. And so the nightingale did, it tweeted happily hopping into the Prince's fingers.

He giggled feeling the nightingale rub his head to George's cheek as it tweeted. "Missed me already?" he mumbled tapping the bird's head softly. The bird flapped its wings as it nodded flying away from George's fingers flapping its wings in front of him as it tweeted again like there was no end.

George turned his gaze to his right as he sees Dream who was glaring at him with a look of soft awe. "What's her name?" the dirty blond asked turning his glare from the brunet to the bird who was still flapping his wings staying at the same spot like before not moving a single inch other than its wings that kept her flying.

The brunet's face turned blank staring at Dream dumbfounded as he quickly turned his gaze back to the nightingale who was looking at him happily. "Well... You see uh" George spoke; nervously giving the bird and the dirty blond a look of awkwardness.

Dream furrowed his eyebrows confused as to why George hasn't given him a simple answer as the realization had finally kicked into him shaking his head returning his glare back at George with a look of disbelief. "This is unacceptable! George, you haven't given her a name yet?" Dream yelled like he was supposed to be the one offended as the bird stared at them cluelessly.

George turned his gaze to the ground running his black boots through the rough forest path filled with small and large hard rocks and dust. He gulped feeling bad for the bird. This is ridiculous! I kept the bird yet I haven't given it a name yet? What kind of person am I?! He shouted in his thoughts, kicking the ground disappointed at himself.

George sighed calming himself down as he looks at the bird with forgiveness even if the bird couldn't even understand it since it was a clueless animal who was probably lost her family; whilst she flew through the sky on the day of her impact. "I'll give her a name okay..? I just need to" he says stopping as he sighs. "Think" he continued.

He heard Dream sigh quietly but it was faint can be barely be heard. George just breathed out with his mouth formed in an 'o' formation as his hands were placed on the side of his chest looking around the nature surrounding desperately attempting to find an idea for the nameless bird.

While he his mind was running out of brain cells that he can use to think of a name. He turned his stare at the bird that was flying in circles around Dream. As the nightingale flies around Dream, the dirty blond was playing with her. George chuckled finding the two of them bond together as his gaze focused on the bird's features.

It was his first time inspecting it. The bird had the colors mixed with the color of white and light brown. The wings and the back of the nightingale were light brown but as it slowly made its way to the front, the colors white and brown collide blending. Once it reached the chest of the bird it was white. He found it remarkable on how nature itself can blend colors forming a masterpiece.

Dela, he thought as he felt his lips form a massive grin; his gaze turning to the bird and the dirty blond. "Dela" he mumbled. Dream snapped out of reality now staring at George as an eyebrow raised.

"Dela? That's a nice name" Dream spoke as a smile tug on his lips. They both looked at the bird who flapped her wings faster. She immediately flew her way to George's neck as she nuzzled her cheek against George's tweeting happily at her new name.

George giggled turning to his right looking at the nightingale with a new name Dela. "You like it?" The brunet questioned Dela. She flapped her wings once giving George a happy nod tweeting once more exclaiming. "She likes it" the prince heard the knight speak in front of him.

"I'm glad" he spoke as he turned his gaze back at the force field sighing. "Let's get going before anyone realizes that I'm gone". Though he was still uncertain if no one had realized they were gone other than his friend Sapnap. He knew that there was always a maid telling him that he'll need to be at the dining room with his parents either eating all three meals. He was feeling apprehensive.

George made the first move with Dela on his shoulder rested softly on his shoulder with her claws. Entering the force field hearing the faint sound like bubbles popping; the force field moving like pebbles dropped to the pond making small waves around. He was on the other side of the force field now back at the other world.

Dream followed from behind stepping in the force field as he felt a small wave of aura clash against his body. "Hoods Up" the prince spoke turning his head from Dream to the white gate in front of him as he placed his hood over his hair.

Dream only nodded not saying a word as he sees the prince push the gate open. Sighing the dirty blond placed his hood that was behind his back over his back.

George pushed the gate open while his head was down looking at the ground and his hood over his head. He heard Dream's footsteps following him from behind as he stepped forward to the kingdom.  It was all new to him, the streets were heavily crowded; magic festivals to where people show their magic abilities winning a medal if you get the most votes.

It was loud; citizens were shouting, screaming, and running down the alleys. A few knights were guarding the area of the village marching around with their metal boots that George found painful when he once tried those armor.

On the corner of his eyes, he sees a dirty blond following his every step beside him making sure that he would not bump into someone. The Prince lifted his head up but made sure that his shirt was covering his mouth only seeing half of his face.

He saw kids running around playing in circles giving saying 'tag' to the other giggling. George saw the other one that was about to get tagged run into him as he bumped against his chest. The kid gasped as he looked up at him seeing that he had bumped into the prince. "Sorry big man! I was just playing!" the child immediately spoke looking at George with a sorry glare.

The brunet chuckled at the adorable apology the child had given him when he bumped into the 'prince' accidentally while playing with his friend. "Oh no, it's okay. I don't mind" he said giving the child a tap on the head ruffling his hair.

He saw Dream come from behind looking at the two children in front of him that was looking at George wide a wide playful grin. "Who are they?" Dream asked glaring back at George than at the two children.

The other kid who was supposedly the one who is going to tag the kid who was the one who bumped into George spoke. "Sorry to trouble you mister. This Thomas you can call him Tommy he's ten years old and I'm Toby call me Tubbo. Tommy's quite childish my apologies" The brown-haired kid apologized.

George chuckled, "Like I said it's ok. No need for an apology" he spoke giving a smile back at the two kids. While Tommy was cheering happily that he was forgiven, Tubbo was looking at George with a pout tilting his head.

Dream and George saw Tubbo widen his eyes snapping his fingers. "Hey... You're Prin-" Tubbo spoke but was cut off by Dream slapping his hand softly to the kid's mouth shutting him up.

"Dream" George whispered shouted raising an eyebrow. He hears Dream let out a small 'oops' as he let go of the kid who slightly gasped for air. "Sorry about that Tubbo but can you kindly keep it a secret?" He asked Tubbo who nodded grinning as he grabbed Tommy's arm.

"Alright, we'll get going now. Good day, your majesty" Tubbo quickly spoke as he pulled Tommy's arm going back to the his house in a hurry.

Dream laughed sighing as he continues walking through the street. "Well that was unexpected," he said laughing.

George grinned as he looked to his shoulder seeing the bird still there rested. He sighed, "Yeah, I just hope it doesn't happen again"

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