Chapter 14

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The sounds of footsteps of maids walking around the palace marble and wood floors were echoing all around the inside. Knights can be seen on every corner of the structure standing still while they look around making sure there weren't any intruders interrupting any rulers of the Kingdom Elenemia that can violate any ancient objects around.

Some days passed and Dream and George got along well although sometimes they don't talk that much. Dream sometimes gets some free time to train in the training room that is filled with weapons like swords, crossbows, bows and such as. But most of the time he was with the prince doing his duty as personal knight.

He noticed that the prince wasn't complaining as much as he did before. But it didn't look like he was enjoying the company but it was only sometimes and it was rare for the Prince to really enjoy the knight's presence.

Dream felt like he was getting tortured. This time George was actually enjoying his company which yes, he did want but he didn't mean it like this. Currently, he was carrying ten massive books while he was following George from his room to the library which George owned that he never thought he'll wish was only meters away from his room.

He was struggling a lot as he was taking slow and small steps down the stairs desperately hoping that they were almost in the library and also wishing that the books stacked on top of him would not fall scattered on the ground and hit his head since these books were thick and heavy. "Are we there yet?" Dream complained whining as he struggled to take the last step on the stairs wobbling slightly but handled it well.

He peeked behind the books that he was carrying only to see the Prince who was smiling like a sly fox at him enjoying the view of him struggling to stand afar from him with his arms crossed laid in front of his chest.

"No" George spoke simply, "be patient we're almost there" he continued as he chuckled seeing Dream's hands shaking and his legs wobbling like the bones were about to break into pieces of powder to the ground.

Dream groaned frustrated; slowly following the brunet's path when he started to continue walking towards the library. "Can't you just order the maids to do this?!" he whined looking at the last book on top that was threatening to fall down on him; he gulped.

George rolled his eyes; turning back to Dream seeing that he was struggling more than before which he smirked devilishly at. "No that will be boring and they have things to do other than this. Besides, it's fun to see you struggle" he said locking eyes with the dirty blond for a second before proceeding to walk to his library skipping a bit.

Dream felt his eyes twitching madly; annoyed at the brunet making him do this as he takes steps forward struggling. "Why can't you just use your magic!? That's a lot easier than this!"  he whined raising his voice slightly.

George rolled his eyes as he sees the door to the library. "Now where's the fun in that?" he spoke as he fastened his pace walking to the library faster than before but still making sure that his knight can catch up.

Dream exhaled sharply as he also fastened his pace while looking up making sure the books won't fall on top of him. He peeked again behind the books then saw that George was now in front of a massive dark oak door; and placing the palm of his hand close to the door which caused it to push open even without someone touching it.

The dirty blond sighed as he continued walking towards the door that he guessed was the entrance to the library which was still a few meters away from where he was standing. When he reached the entrance of the door he gasped feeling a huge wind surpass him causing all the books to fall from his hands but float their way towards the large circular table in the middle of the library.

Right, when all ten books were now placed on the table he widened his eyes amazed at the view of the library. He saw columns of books both left and right that had massive amounts of books in rows in them. Dream slowly took a step in the library as he gazed inside seeing all the books that were in alphabetic order.

As he looks around he gasped when he looked up seeing that there was a huge circle on top of the circular table that was the exact same side.

There he saw the galaxy printed on it like it was night currently even if it was still day. He saw different constellations of stars that made different shapes of objects and maybe pictured animals all formed by simple tiny bright spots. "Isn't it pretty?" a voice spoke up from his left. The dirty blond quickly looked to his left to where the voice came from and saw the prince who had a small book placed on a small tray in his hands.

Dream sighed smiling as he looks back up at the constellations that were sparkling right before his eyes. "Yeah" he breathed out as he glanced at the walls that had large windows with glass arts printed. He walked towards the glass as he tilted his head curiously as he gazed at the arts that was also the window.

At the first window, he saw that there were men with horses below them drawing their swords pointing at a large swarm of creepy things that were black and grey. Inside the swarm, he saw a glow that was colored red and orange like they were defending something. Dream gazed at the painting in curiosity as he looks at the next one right next to it.

At the next art he saw that there was an egg that was colored red and orange just like the colors on the last art. He saw that the egg was surrounded by creepy black smoke and vines and some red eyes defending it. He gulped seeing the eyes but kept his gaze at the middle seeing that there was a man with blond hair and grey eyes keeping his eyes at the egg and had glowing hands.

He sighed after he saw the painting and looked away from it going back to the prince but was met by a short prince in front of him also looking at the painting.

Dream backed away from the Prince as he felt his heartbeat increase and almost scream. "You- Jesus Christ!" Dream breathed seeing George giggle in response while smirking.

"Hah payback!" George laughed while Dream just stared at him annoyed. "Fine you got your revenge" he huffed as he walked past George who was laughing at the dirty blond who got startled badly because of him.

Dream rolled his eyes smiling as he heard George's laughs trail off and footsteps getting near him. He looked at the table and saw that there were only two books instead of ten that he carried all the way here from the brunet's room.

He looked at the books and saw that they were history and magic books. "History of the long-lost elements and Advanced Magic?" Dream read the titles of the two books in curiosity as he was disturbed by a hand holding the two books.

George looked at him as he placed both of the books against his chest. "I'll be practicing more magic and I would like to know more about the elements" he spoke simply; now walking towards the exit to the library leaving him alone.

Dream sighed, "Why does he want to learn more magic?" he questioned himself shaking his head ignoring his curiosity. "Why do I care? Of course, he'll need to study more magic" he mumbled to himself as he looked back at the door seeing George who was about to leave the library leaving him like he was just a small piece of trash.

He widens his eyes panicking as he quickly speed-walked his way towards George in a hurry. "Wait for me!" he shouted stumbling on his steps a bit.

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