Chapter 37

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Horses making sounds were everywhere in the modern barn, people chattering around who knows who what they are talking about. The sounds of early crickets hidden in the sides like they were invisible can be heard even if he they could not be seen.

After their conversation with Ranboo who happens to be Schlatt's friend. Dream and George left right after the tall man also left along with Techno. They weren't that curious about the man but were still annoyed about the fact that the man was rude to them. "Your majesty!" A man with black boots and a black outfit spoke.

Dream glared at the man who had a cowboy hat on was grinning happily to see the prince he was with him now. He looked young and handsome and his look to the prince was flirty for him. He cringed madly looking at the boy with furious eyes as a wave of jealousy flew through his nerves.

"Why hello Draco. It has been quite a few years ever since we met ever since I visited. A pleasure to meet you once more" the prince spoke formally bowing his head slightly for the cowboy that made Dream's anger rise slowly to the point to where he had to kick someone on the balls.

Draco shook his head waving his hands for a few seconds, "The pleasure is mine your highness" the black headed spoke bowing his head deeper as he grabbed the hat placing the back of it to his chest looking up at the prince who giggled smiling. Dream felt his eyes twitch at the flirt, this is how people flirt these days?

"Of course, it has been quite some time ever since I rode one of your talented horses" George spoke glancing around the clean modern barn. The barn wasn't any other barn. The barn was like a palace. It had two floors filled with horses trained to be the best horses in the world. "Now do you have a horse that I can somehow borrow for this day?" he asked.

"Never thought you would ask! Follow me!" Draco spoke up giving a short glance at Dream as the two made a furious eye contact--from Dream's perspective at least even if the glare between the two was nice for Draco. Draco then started walking to the stables leaping as George followed behind along with an annoyed Dream.

"Why are we here again?" Dream asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone as he spoke. George got taken backed by the attitude as he looked at Dream with his eyebrows raised. "Again, we need to get a horse. And this is the perfect place to borrow one. And if you don't like the horses you can wait outside" the brunet huffed.

The dirty blond scoffed rolling his eyes behind the mask as he crossed his arms, "It's not the horses that I hate. Actually worse" Dream huffed in a quiet tone hoping that the prince wouldn't hear that George luckily didn't. He didn't know why he was getting jealous but he was now and there was nothing he can do to stop it.

Every time he looks at the dark black haired man he cringes and his knuckles turn red sweating as his fist clench revealing the veins below his skin. As the two continue to walk between the stables Dream admires the number of horses that were in there. Some were black, white, brown and some had unique spots. He heard the horses neighs and their hooves running down the floor harshly.

"And there she is! Let me introduce you to" the dirty blond flinches and cringes when he heard Draco's voice shout in front of him. He saw George immediately walk to the stable that Draco was in front of. Dream just rolled his eyes scoffing following the prince who was filled with excitement to see the horse.

Draco opened the stable cheerfully showing a gorgeous white horse that was laid on the ground below their feet. Dream's jaws dropped to the ground as he sees the horse sleeping peacefully on the ground. Its hooves were clean and the skin looked smooth. "Spirit! The kindest horse around. Perfect for a your majesty like you your highness" Draco spoke politely grinning letting George make his way into the stable.

Dream watched as George ran his fingertips on Spirit's fur to her hair smiling softly that somehow made Dream's heart melt. "I'll gladly take her" George mumbled looking up to Draco who grinned widely.

"Magnificent! Take her for as long as you please! However please be gentle at all causes. She can be quite anxious for rough movements" Draco spoke as he let George let Spirit out from her stable. They both walk in sync, their footsteps colliding against the ground at the same time forming a beat that Dream could listen to all day.

"Thank you Draco, I promise that we will bring her safely to you by evening this day. Let's go Dream come on" George spoke giving one last grin to Draco before motioning spirit outside.

Dream only nodded as he turned his head to Draco seeing him smile at him nicely waving. He groaned annoyed giving the black haired man a dirty look behind his mask before jogging towards the prince. "I would gladly keep her" Dream mumbled under his breath staring at the horse who was moving her hooves cleanly against the ground.

George chuckled, "I thought you hated the horses" he spoke jokingly stopping spirit on her tracks. Giving her a small scratch on her neck before placing a saddle on her back carefully.

Dream rolled his eyes, "I never hated the horses though" he huffed rolling his eyes helping George place the saddle on the horse's back. The saddle was heavy since it was made out of hard leather and had multiple metal locks on the sides. Dream strapped the saddle around the horse while George was distracting Spirit by massaging her fur on her neck.

Dream grunted as he felt Spirit's black hooves kick his right foot harshly to the ground. "Shh hey hey..." George mumbled to spirit calming her down because she was slowly getting loud releasing small neighs of frustration. Dream felt himself smile seeing the brunet on the corner of his eyes smile softly when he finally calmed spirit down.

"I did it" Dream spoke locking the saddle letting go of Spirit's waist giving her a small rub on her soft smooth white fur before letting go of her. The prince smiled also letting go of Spirit glaring at Dream who was glancing around the nature.

"We should get going" the prince mumbled placing his small bag in Spirit's pocket. Dream only nodded before seeing George getting up on Spirit's back carefully. The dirty blond giggled when he saw the prince fail to get up on Spirit's back falling to the ground. "You're too short" he laughed staring at the prince who got up from the ground wiping away the dust that got to his pants.

"I am not! I am average height big difference!" George spoke giving a jokingly annoyed look to the dirty blond before trying again once more. A minute passes and George is now already on his sixth try. He stomped on the ground harshly using his boots growling giving Dream an annoyed look seeing the dirty blond burst out of laughter.

"This is priceless! You failed every time just because you're-" he was cut off by a loud thud on the ground caused by the brunet who once again tried to get up. "Short!" he exclaimed laughing harder that soon turned into a loud wheeze that always sounded like a tea kettle rising.

"Bloody hell" George muttered under his breathtaking a deep breath before trying again. He stepped on the boost and let out a shaky breath before boosting himself up. Once he got his arms wrapped around Spirit's waist. He gasped when he felt himself fall from his grasp.

Once he was about to hit the ground he felt an arm wrapped around his torso. He looked up to see Dream glaring at him as he noticed a slight smirk that formed at the edge of his mask. "How many times have I saved you huh?" Dream spoke smirking helping him get up.

Once the brunet was now on the horse with the help of Dream. Dream followed behind him grabbing the rope that was around the horse while his arms were around the brunet's waist. "Let's go now shall we?" Dream spoke behind him.

George felt himself blush madly at the hot breath against his neck, "yeah... sure"

Just checked twitter... Dream got rejected by George again! Now we got emo Dream :(

The Hidden Kingdom of Magic | Dreamnotfound ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang