Chapter 22

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The different colors of the night shining stars were shimmering above them, the full moon was shining brightly above their heads even if it was miles away from the earth's grounds to where people stood.

Howls of wolves were heard deep in the dark woods sneaking in the shadows of tall trees to find their choice of prey. And the small harmless herbivores are in their small caves sleeping with their loved ones hiding from harmful predators.

The sounds of footsteps collided down the rough forest path that had the mix of dirt and rocks staining the face of their boots that touches the ground. George was amazed at how calm and peaceful this world can be compared to his. The world that he lived in and the kingdom of Elemenia that was inside that world was all filled with noises.

Noises of people's footsteps being busy as always, them chattering about things that he would never understand, and the magic they summon always making chaos.

The two were walking down the forest path that was filled with rocks and grass and maybe some insects crawling to their homes as they carry food for their near future.

George wasn't even focusing on the ground or in front of him, he was more focused on the surroundings that were new to him since it is his first time to go outside his world to where his kingdom also lay on.

On the other hand, Dream was stressed and most importantly concerned about the brunet's actions. The dirty blond didn't need to look around this world since he had lived here practically his whole life so he is just re-tracing his steps. Dream was focused on many things currently, first making sure that there were no wolves around them to hurt the prince and many more predators ready to fight. Also, he made sure that the prince would not trip on his steps while glancing on the new surroundings.

George saw the owls that were resting on their nests that were colored brown and white. He was amazed at the simple things that this world had that were less superior compared to the world he lived in filled with varieties of creatures and magic that was nothing compared to this world. "Look!" George exclaimed shouting as he points at the owls that were sleeping on their nests.

Dream widened his eyes frightened as he quickly covered George's mouth when he made the loudest voice he can make. George flinched as he felt the hand of the dirty blond over his mouth as he tried to take it off. "Let me go!" George shouted but was muffled a lot by the hand that was covering his mouth.

Dream sighed as he let go of the brunet looking around making sure that there was no one around them. "What was that for?!" George whispered shouted to Dream who sneered looking at George sternly. The prince saw the stern look the dirty blond gave him quickly shutting his mouth up when he was about to speak.

The dirty blond rolled his eyes, "listen, I know that the woods may look a lot different back in your kingdom so that why you're amazed but this isn't the time to be loud. This world is also dangerous because of the wolves and bears, especially at night! Do you want to get eaten by one?!" he whispered making sure that no one around him but him and George was able to hear.

George scoffed rolling his eyes than looking at Dream annoyed, "Dream, I appreciate your concern. I mean I really do but you're just overreacting, do you really think we'll get attacked by w-" he spoke but immediately cut himself off when he heard loud bush noises that were dangerously close to both of them left and right.

Dream raised his hands as he halts himself and the brunet on their tracks also hearing the same sound again. George gulped as he looks around anxiously after hearing the close bush sounds that were made behind the bushes. "Behind, now" Dream muttered, George nodded quickly as he went behind Dream's back pushing his back to Dream's.

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