Chapter 2

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The sunlight ray from the sky was the only thing that can ever make Dream awake since he was in a cave that barely had any sounds and light. The birds chirping from outside can be heard the inside of the cave but it was extremely faint and muffled like the sound of calm wind passing through the human's ear.

Dream ran his fingers through his messy dirty blond hair that was dancing against the warm breeze of wind that came outside. He sighed, as he looked around him and noticed that he was no longer in his bedroom like usual. He felt different, usually, he wouldn't wake up alone in a dark cave and his mom would normally just bust in his bedroom and shake him off from sleep. But now he was just alone with no family, no house, and no comfort.

He frowns deeply at the memory of last night, as he sighs. He got up from the floor and folded his blanket carefully then placed it in his bag together with the lamp that he used last night. The dirty blond placed his bag on his back now strapped around his shoulders, with his axe, and exited the cave he had stayed in overnight.

He saw his mask with a smiley face on the floor which fell from his bag, he sighed. He picked it up and just stared at it admiring the creepy smiley face. The mask was made when he was a child. He just made this for fun, saying if he wears a mask people will always think he's happy when he's not because of the smile that is printed.

He sighed when placed the mask on his face; clipping the lock on the back of his head. That'll keep people from knowing my identity I guess. He thought thinking that it's a good idea to keep everything a secret for now.

He stretched his arms when he took a step outside the cave. He felt heatwaves splash over his skin and the dancing breeze sway against his wavy dirty blond hair. Dream looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was almost at the center.

He had studied how to know what time it is using the sun's position, which his mom taught him when he was little. He sighed as he look at the forest path again, "Must be around nine. Better get going and find a near village" he mumbled to no one but himself.

It was now safer for him to walk through the forest with no weapon in hand since it is now daytime and no dangerous animals come out since the sunlight is out shining brightly at the forest grounds. He made sure that the coast was clear for him to get in the forest path before he continued to walk even if his destination is still unknown.

He started to walk through the path at a fast pace. He didn't have a reason to walk too fast but he was just used to doing it. It makes him more relieved is all he can say. He was just wasn't used to walking so slow, since he always runs through the forest with his dad as they get chased by predators at night.

The smell of nature itself was refreshing and calming for Dream. He sighed happily as he grinned, looking around him seeing herbivores everywhere big or small in the fields and in the trees. He was happy that he didn't have to hold his axe for now and he can finally be free from weapons at least knowing there is not that much danger around.

It felt like he was in heaven when his hands are touching nothing but the swaying wind. For him, he feels like he was finally free, away from danger and away from harm. But he knew that was very unlikely from happening. He was sure that he could never escape danger from trying to harm him. He could never escape from being a target. Because it was always him.

He always asks the world—Why can't he just be free? Why can't he just have a better life? Why does the world hate him and have to take everything from him? Everything that he had loved, he had cherished and he had made.

He didn't know if he was good enough for this world he lives in. If the world wanted him gone then why can't they just make him gone? Sometimes he wished that he was just the one who died of all people who he loved. He just sometimes wished that the world would just end it right then and there instead of just letting him suffer.

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