Chapter 4

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Books were stacked on the desk of the room. The window or you can say the entrance for the balcony was open, so the cold breeze of wind can be felt inside the room. Birds were singing as they fly around the sky with the dancing wind and some leaves with them from the trees below.

Prince George is in his room reading his book peacefully laid on his lap, turning to the next page when he finished reading both sides of the opened book. His position was simple, the window was open beside him which was also the way to the balcony, and he was sat on his small couch against the window with his pillow on his back. It was like he was caved in

George wasn't that much of an outsider. He was just a simple prince, for him at least. He didn't like going outside nor did he want to make friends with other royals from other kingdoms/worlds that only sometimes visit the Kingdom of Elemenia. He was always free to go outside and make friends with the people in the neighborhood but he wasn't interested in any of them.

His parents always want him to go outside and at least be free for once in his life but he kept telling them that he was already free. Free with his books that were enough for him to live and enjoy life. He only had two friends who were Sapnap and Karl who he barely sees since Karl was a chef and is only in the kitchen and Sapnap who does guard duties and is always in the throne room and outside guarding the kingdom.

George was an introvert, he barely makes any friends, he only likes books and gets annoyed when people stares at him like he was some creep. He also easily gets annoyed at people who go too polite to him and help him with everything which he never needed.

He was aware of the kingdom's people's behaviors. They were beyond interested in George but some really hate him, his looks were every girl's dream which George was also aware of. However he never got interested in any of them, sometimes he thinks he doesn't like girls. Sometimes he thinks that he might be into boys more than the girls but he never really tried and never had the motivation on finding out.

George thinks he isn't special, he thinks that he isn't really that much big of a deal. However, that's what he thought. The people in this kingdom have their own special element. Whether it's Water, Earth, Fire, or Air but they only had one of them. His mom who is named Clasha was water and his dad who is named Rafao was earth.

Notice how they only have one? Well, that's how the world works, one person can only have one element. It is already a miracle if one person has two elements, which already happened hundreds of years ago but the person died in a battle at the age of fifty.

But George was beyond the word special like the person who had two elements. At birth, his parents thought that their son will have the element water since his mom was water. However the unexpected happened, when George was born, he did not have one element he did not have two, he did not have three but he had four elements.

His mom used to tell him that the whole kingdom went crazy and we're celebrating when he was born because of him having all four elements. It was the biggest miracle of all time, nothing like that had ever happened before but it did ever since the brunet was born. But George never really cared about him being so special. For him, he was an ordinary person, like everyone else. He didn't care if he was royal or not. He just wanted to enjoy life with his books which are not everyone's type of enjoying life.

Although there were also some people who hate him for being so special and different from others. They were selfish and want to either kill the Prince or take all his power for themselves.

Some even say that they want the Prince to perish and never be reborn in the future ever again.

Besides the prince's window was George reading his book peacefully with the sound of the calming wind that hits through his ear and the birds chirping close to his window. As George read the last page of his book, he closed his softly and looked at his balcony using his window. He saw that a bird was laid on the floor whimpering which sounded like a melody.

George gasped as his eyes widened, he hops out of the window and walks towards the bird who fell from the sky. He inspected the bird and noticed that the bird's wings were broken. He slowly grabbed his handkerchief out of his pocket and scooped the bird softly. "Shh you're ok, I'll take care of you" he tried to hush the bird while it was whimpering badly.

He stood up and looked around the balcony and noticed that his friend Sapnap who was with some weird guy with a creepy mask on that had a smile printed on the plate, walked towards the castle throne room that has wavy dirty blond hair which seemed to be taller than George. George leans his face more against the handle of the balcony and watches them. But he didn't have that much time to bother them much more, since he had a bird to take care of too.

While carrying the bird using his soft handkerchief, he went back to his room and placed the bird on a small box beside his desk that was colored blue. After, he looked around his table and saw small bandages, small enough to be strapped against the bird's wing. He grabbed a bandage and carefully removed the tape which was on the other side and carefully lifted the bird's wing strapping it carefully trying not to hurt the injured bird.

Once finished he saw that the bird stopped whimpering. He ran his hands through his deep dark brown hair to remove the bangs that were itching his eyes as he remembered that the bird needed food for survival.

He panicked when he saw that the bird was already trying to desperately eat the small handkerchief it was laying on. "Oh God" he breathed out as he looks around hoping to see some food that the bird can eat.

As the brunet looked around, he saw a small pot that has a small plant. He grinned when he saw the pot and immediately went towards it. He placed the palm of his hand on top of the plant. He closed his eyes as he tried to focus, Summon, he said to himself in his thoughts summoning possible food for the hungry bird. He opened his eyes and saw small worms crawling on the leaves that were perfect for the bird to eat.

He carefully grabbed all the worms with his silk white gloves and placed it close to the bird. George let out a muffled giggle when he saw that the bird was already eating the worms he had summoned already hungrily. He watched as the bird finish all the food he gave and heard that it was already chirping.

"Are you that happy?" the brunet mumbled as he softly rubbed the bird's head softly. "Well you can go anytime, when you're ready. Just come back of course" George spoke which made the flap it's other wing which wasn't injured making George chuckle happy that the bird is now taken care of and glad.

The brunet inspected the bird, tilting his head figuring out what type of bird it is. "You're a Nightingale" he mumbled as he let go of the bird's head smiling.

He then heard a knock on his door when he let go, he flinched. "Come in" he yelled, as he quickly got up and swiped away the dust on his white pants and his blue silk long sleeve. He saw the door open as he finished cleaning himself up and saw a maid come in bowing before speaking up.

The maid looked at him, "Your majesty, the king and the queen has requested your presence. I humbly request for you to attend by three" the maid politely asked the prince who just scoffed nodding.

George sighed as he grabbed his silk blue cape that had gold details, laid on his chair. He placed on his back clipping it on the front as he looked at the maid. "As much as I don't want attend this. They are the rulers of this kingdom. I will come there by three as requested you are free to leave the room" he spoke.

The maid nodded, and went back wards holding the knob of the door from the back and slowly closed it carefully making no sound but a small click. George sighed as he rolled his eyes scoffing, looking at the Nightingale. "Y'know you're really lucky" George mumbled to the bird smiling, as he walked out of the room leaving the bird well rested.

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