Chapter 65

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Who even am I?

Why do I have this?

Do I belong in this world?

Tears a pricking down my cheeks; sobs of pain and confusion were ringed in my ears. I don't know anymore. All this time I had magic? Why didn't anyone tell me?

I hurt him, I'm a monster.


George grunted when he finally got back with the help of Sapnap back from the ground after Dream accidentally shoved him because of pure anxiety and fear of himself. He couldn't believe it. He thought ever since he knew that he had all four elements that he was the most powerful person in the world.

But no—he was wrong. He wasn't even close to the one who was the true most powerful person in the world who was Dream. He knew Dream wouldn't believe it even if it was true. The dirty blond spent his whole life in the human world without believing in magic or even seeing it.

All of them were confused but mostly Dream. He wondered why Dream had the element Null even if he came from the human world—even if he was born human like his parents. He felt like the world was doing flips as if he was finding the answer as it moves but he couldn't since it kept moving nonstop.

George turned his attention to Bad who had his hands against the wall glaring at the Tunnel that Dream went dumbfounded, "How is that possible? How does he—a human have the Null magic? This is impossible" Bad breathed trying to find an answer in his confused head that would make sense.

George sighed glaring to his feet frowning, "It is not impossible and we saw it with our own two eyes" he said, "And it's obvious he's not human anymore unless he was never human" he said sighing running his hands through his hair his heart beating against his chest in a fast speed with his blood pumping through his veins that got him dizzy secretly.

He was frustrated with himself however he was more worried for Dream. Knowing that it isn't easy to discover that he had magic his whole life without him knowing. His heart was beating fast, he didn't know what to do but kept thinking about the dirty blond with pure worry.

Wondering what is Dream doing now; what is he thinking now. He felt a large wave of an unfamiliar feeling wash over him but it felt so negative that made his nerves shake causing shivers to run down his veins and spine. "But that is impossible. His parents were pure humans. Magic should be uncontrollable when it comes to the age of fifty with no control over it or practice" Techno said.

"Then he is born with the Null Element without Null Blooded parents," Bad said.

"No," George said, "there has to be another explanation for this. We just haven't figured it out yet. Being born with an element without parents with magic is beyond impossible and it has been proven for so many years now" he breathed running his hands through his hair as he sat on the bench beside him.

Sapnap took a huge and loud exhale enough for the others to get their attention to him, "Maybe him getting into this world and seeing the forcefield wasn't a glitch" he choked out, "maybe because he really did have the magic to see it. Ever since the start" he gazed at George who widened his eyes in pure shock.

"Bloody hell" he cursed under his breath because of the new information he just discovered standing up swallowing the liquid that was in his mouth. He sighed, "I..." he said, "I'll go talk to him. He probably needs comfort" he mumbled making his way to the tunnel.

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