Chapter 31

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The palace grounds were seemingly quiet than before. A few maids were only working currently at this time cleaning the ancient artifacts on the tables and the painting on the wall that was worth millions of gold that he can ever imagine. The dirty blond was confused as to why it was so quiet.

A maid was about to pass through him carrying a small brush but Dream stood in front of the maid blocking her path. He saw the maid flinch looking up at him with a confused glare. He cleared his throat, "Where are the other royals?" He asked politely to the maid who also cleared her throat.

"They are visiting the World of Elves to meet the King and the Queen there. They have already left this early morning, now if you excuse me I must get to work" She answered his question. Quietly she bows her head slightly as he continued walking to the painting against the wall wiping away the dust that was on the glass over the paintings.

Dream sighed giving a small nod in return even if the maid can no longer see it. "That's why he picked yesterday as the time we can go out," he said scoffing rolling his eyes playfully. He carefully clicked the door open to his room as he sees the small sunlight peeking through the curtains shining against his emerald green eyes. He blinked rapidly after he felt sun rays hit his iris instantly looking rubbing his eyes.

He groaned annoyed at the sunray but just shrugged it off sighing. He threw his bags to the soft bed that bounced slightly along with the pillow. After he carefully trailed his hands to the small lock behind his back that was attached to his head. He clicked the two locks open instantly feeling the mask fall to his arms. As soon as he let go of the two clips that were now unattached, he instantly snatched the white mask that was close to falling to the ground.

Sighing, he walked to the bed at a steady pace sitting at the large mattress on the bed. He looked down to his lap that had a hand resting holding the mask he wore. He flipped the mask to the front side immediately seeing the smiley face that was painted on the plate.

The mask has helped him through so much by now. It helped him hide his true self from the people and even George. It helped him hide when he was sad, crying, or even flustered. However, it also reminded him of the days he would spend with his family. The mask was made when he was little; a kid. When he sees the smile it reminded him of the happy times he would do as a kid along with his family.

Little Clay was on the wooden floor peacefully reading his book as he watches his mom nit clothes for them to wear. "I'm home!" a voice shouted from the door. His mom and him both looked to the exit and saw his father smiling happily as he kept his one hand behind his back.

It was his birthday, normally on his birthday. Clay would get simple things as a gift such as fruits; simple clothes made from cloth. His parents knew they couldn't give Clay more than that and they felt bad. Although, Clay would appreciate every gift they would give him. Even if it was a small pebble he would care. As long as he knew they gave every piece of their love to it. He'll gladly accept the gift.

"Dad!" Clay exclaimed happily as glared at his dad with a wide grin letting go of his books. He immediately got up launching himself to his dad wrapping his arms around him. His dad laughed as he kept his other hand behind his back and the other wrapped around Clay's torso.

"Hey birthday boy how are you?" His dad spoke giving his son the widest grin yet. Clay let go of his dad slowly as he jumped over and over again. He was excited to see his dad again after a week of him hunting. "I'm really good dad! Especially now that you're here! Now we can be together again!" Clay exclaimed giving his dad the happiest smile yet. 'This is so exciting! I would get to spend time with my father since it's my birthday' Clay thought smiling.

His dad laughed breathlessly ruffling Clay's hair that the blond giggled at. "Of course, I wouldn't miss my little boy's birthday am I right? What kind of father will I be if I didn't?" His father spoke grinning. Clay saw his dad turn his gaze to his mom smiling. Clay tilted his head turning his head to his mom who giggled.

"Mom? Dad? What's happening?" Clay asked a hit of concern in his voice. His dad chuckled deeply as he grabbed the blond to his waist carrying him to the couch to where his mom sat. Clay sat on his dad's lap as both of them sat on the couch.

"So Clay" his mom spoke leaning to him as he cupped his cheek. "Do you remember that you wanted to have a mask? To use when you do super spying like a hero?" his mother asked. Clay tilts his head nodding as his mom lets go of his cheek giggling. "Well, me and your dad had thought about it and wanted to give you something" his mom spoke.

'Huh?' Clay thought, his childish mind not getting a thing. Both of his parents laughed at him, he blushed at the happiness of his parents as he then saw his dad's other hand appearing. There was a small plastic plate that had a wide smile painted on it and two eyes below. It was a mask.

Clay gasped seeing the mask as he looked up to his dad then to his mom repeating the exact same thing for seconds. "Is this for me?!" Clay exclaimed examining the mask that was staring at the mask dumbfounded. Excitement filled his eyes.

Both of his parents chuckled, "Happy birthday Clay"

Dream smiled his lips curving upwards right after he remembered the wonderful memory. A tear left his eyes after he closed them shut falling to the mask that was grasped on his hands tightly. He sniffled, quickly wiping away the small tear. "I just wish you're here today and for my birthday tomorrow. Even if it was only a minute" he murmured letting go of the mask placing it on the mattress.

He turned around facing at the pillow that was against the headboard seeing the book that he had brought from the village. He widened his eyes scooting closer to the book grasping the leather cover to his hands snatching it close to him gasping. He placed the book softly on his lap examining the book closely to his eyes. He placed both of his hands on the covers as he tried to open the book to see the pages.

Just as he expected the book didn't open. The book was kept close locked. He didn't know why his ancestor would keep such a book locked even if there was no one that will be able to open it anyways. However, he did remember that the ancestor said that this book will be opened when it is passed from generation to generation when the time comes.

But when?

I forgot to post a chapter yesterday sorry

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