No One's Home

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My heart raced since I haven't seen Kris in weeks, nor been to the castle in almost three months! I was a bit nervous to hear what's thoughts was about everything, and more nervous to face Bahm's mother Fei.

We walked towards the main lobby, existing through the gates and out of the realm. Only stepping a few yards away from the castle's gates, we walked right onto a rocky pathway leading to what looked like a bright and thriving city!

I haven't actually been able to see The Kingdom yet. My eyes took in the tall structures of  silver buildings that shimmered like diamonds, and the many different food stands we passed to our sides. Dozens of beings were lined up at each truck, patiently waiting for their orders. The streets were busy with different sized mobiles, carriages, wagons and some were even flying above our heads! The sky was filled with many flying creatures, dragons, witches and even different sized fairies.

"Don't worry, we won't walk all the way there." Anna says suddenly.

 "Oh, how far are we?" I asked.

"If we continue walking through The Kingdom, then it'll be 3 hours." I gasped and my eyes travelled beyond. There was so much to see!

Anna throws her hand over my shoulder. "Hop on my back." She says, but I only look at her bewildered. "Come on, you are light as a feather." She says coyly, but she is 1,500 years older than I.

She bends over and I hop on her back easily with her height. As soon as I settled and pulled my dress down from the back, she takes off quickly. The scenery blurred and the wind striking against my face harshly. My hair flys all over my face, covering most of my view as Anna weaves and runs through the busy streets of a Kingdom named Ghabaàr, created by my mate.

She stops on the other side of a bridge that connected to the roofs of the building in the Kingdom. I look over my shoulders and see there were many other bridges that connected to this side of the cliff and to the top of man other roofs . The sun was barely down, but the city flickered with many lights, drawing my eyes like a moth.

"The castle is only a few minutes run from here." Anna says and hoists me higher onto her back.

She continues running through a green and dense forest that changed colors as we zoomed through. I remembered the dry brown patches of green from up above  while passing over here in the carriage with Azalea and Bahm on my last day with him.

Witchy World's Lost AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora