Chapter 80. Truth Hurts

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*Dinner Time*


Dinner comes alone and Hunnie wakes up in the room she fell asleep on top of Bahm, all alone. Well, besides for the original four maids that had came and helped her earlier this morning. They informed her that it was time to eat, and she's already been asleep through lunch. They had orders to go and wake the new Queen, and help get her ready to eat.

As she was already naked, they still draped her in a robe and informed her they will wait for her in her absence while she showered. She nods to them, and proceeds to give them the same bow they give her, and they all exclaim, "No!" and pushes her gently towards the bathroom door. Her heart warms at their traditional politeness and she wondered if she could even learn their language living here with Bahm.

She began missing her friends, and couldn't wait to be able to speak to them again. She turns the nob for the shower and hops in, letting the hot water flow down her face and body.

Back in the room area, the maidens lay her clothes on the bed, making sure her silky pink gown with red roses was pinned straight, with no wrinkle or ruffle in sight. A small red half jacket sits right next to her 7-layered Hanbok dress and the maidens also begin setting up her vanity with hair ties, a blow dryer, and a requested deep conditioner from the Young Master, Kris.

After dressing their lovely new Queen, they chit chatted about how happy she seems to make their King. They loved seeing this new and caring side of their King when it came down to her. The maids even showed Hunnie the conditioner that someone named 'Young Master' requested for her. Hunnie was at awe, and thought they were referring to Their King, Bahm.

They walked her down the hall and passed a few corners, before arriving in the dinning hall. A large opened room with a few archways for doors, and light coming in from overhead. A few people sat at a long, cherry oak, pedestal table while others roamed the room, carrying around plates. With much commotion playing on in the large room, the maidens to Hunnie's side walked her over to the end of the table, way across the other end of Bahm. He wears a nervous look on his face, as Hunnie smiles brightly, adjusting her gown and sitting down. Her attention only on her mate, as his on hers.

Hunnie becomes nervous as well, as she scan over the many people at the table that she just recognized, but suddenly a small group of short women came to her table side.

"Good evening Your Royalness." One of them bows, wearing a sheer white, long sleeve gown that came down to her ankles. A leafy headband along her forehead and same with the other women next to her, except their dress was much, much shorter than hers.

"We've been instructed to inform m'lady, The King's second mate will be joining tonight's meal and every other meal gathering from here on." She bows again when she's done talking.

Baffled by the message, Hunnie's eyesbrows curl up and the women all take off out of the room. Leaving Hunnie feeling uneasy, cocking er head to the side.

She immediately finishes scanning the table and seated directly right next to Bahm, is the women he mated with! Hunnie looks around confusingly, and there seats Kris directly across from the woman and shooting concerning glares towards Hunnie's way, his eyes full of anger and discomfort.

'Why is SHE sitting next to him?!!' Hunnie begins thinking to herself in her displeased state of fury.

Not being able to hide her irritation under the eyes of everyone in the room, she looks furiously between Kris and Bahm. Shaking her head and shrugging her shoulder noticeably. She stands up when both men doesn't give her any answers, nor attention. Placing her hand on the table, she catches Nyku's attention, whom sits just a few chairs away from Azalea, the marked woman.

"Why is she here Bahm?!!" Hunnie raises her voice and the chattering in the room lowers down. All eyes on her fully now.

Bahm stared at Hunnie head on, clenching his jaw, not knowing what to say. He sits lazily in his seat, looking around the room and biting his top lip. Something weighed heavily on his chest tonight...

He doesn't answer hunnie and instead, brings his hands close to his face, and biting down on his knuckles indifferently. She look over to Kris who shakes his head and then buried his face in his palms.

"You address him as Your Majesty!" The woman next to Bahm speaks. Disgust laced all in her words.

Hunnie hears a quick, "Oh Heavens!" coming from the right side of the table. Coming from the angry mouth of Bahm's mother, mama Fei, as she begins fanning her face rapidly and shooting the woman daggers.

"Shut your mouth! You aren't even his DESTINED MATE!" Hunnie yelled in anger, her body shaking for the fact this woman even had the nerves to say anything to her. She's been quiet during their two first encounters.

Now she speaks!

In a full room of people!

"I AM HONORED... TO BE HIS CHOSEN MATE, AFTER YOU!.... YOU REJECTED HIM!" The women stands up quickly and points to Hunnie, her body also shaking in anger, but mostly directed for the King.

"Hunnie..." Kris's soft voice is heard before he stands from his seat. Wanting to go and comfort his shared mate. Bahm just sits there quietly, his knuckles still rubbing against his mouth and teeth.

Hunnie's eyes began to sting as everyone at the table began looking her way at the woman's comment. Even Bahm. His daggers piercing her soul as he stood in a trance of agreement. It hurt Hunnie dearly to see him not even coming to her rescue or sticking up for her. What had happened to him during her time that she fell asleep with him just moments ago!?

Maybe... Maybe this was all her fault. He marked her after she rejected him .... After she did...

'He must've been very broken.' Hunnie begins thinking to herself. All her boiling energy coming down to a low feeling of regret.

Not even able to reply to the beautiful, and exotic looking woman, she storm off from the table. Shoving a few maidens out of the way and other women carrying plates all parted their ways, allowing her to run through. Hearing a few chairs scraping against the marbled floors, some one chases after her. She doesn't turn around to stop and figure out just who, all she knows is she wants to hide. Hide at the new and profound truth she just learned.

She caused her mate to mark another woman. She did...

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