Why does it hurt

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Hunnie's 🤒 P.O.V

The air was still thick and cold.
My chest was still in a lot of pain.
The vision of his face was forever planted in my head. I started to feel sick with his last few words to me.

"You owe me so much.."

I bet I did owe him so much, but not myself. We can't work out. We come from two different worlds.

My coven and friends would never allow this.

"You know that craz-o?"

Fonz was gripping onto my arm for support and trying his hardest to get his body back up off the ground.

"No... I don't know him.. Are you ok?" I lied.

I spoke so softy to him out of guilt. I still couldn't believe what happened. Heavens forbid that I would have seen someone die in front of my eyes.

Someone I knew!

"What the fûck?... if he ever comes around you again let me know. Don't forget I'm an Alpha, I can make him disappear." Fonz was clearly pissed off and was using all his energy to heal his neck.

What did this mean for Bahm?
Will he be next to get hurt?

We left the stone room as soon as we could.

Walking down the hall together, with me a few inches behind Fonz, who was rubbing at his neck constantly.

"You sure you don't know him? Because I'll kick his ass next time I see him." I could feel the aura around Fonz increase. He turned around and walked next to me.

He was for sure not going to leave this one alone.

"No, don't fight him.
He isn't worth it. No one in the academy is worth fighting." I replied nervously to him.

"If he ever comes around you again, talking nonsense, let me and Jahred know as soon as possible

He also was in the wrong too. He tried kissing someone that wasn't his. Even if he failed or not he should have never tried to make a move on me. Then all of this would have been prevented.

"Next time, please don't try that again. It wasn't cool." I glared at him with embarrassment in my eyes.

My chest was starting to pain me again. It was constricting and suffocating me.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I swear I was only going to kiss your cheeks." He chuckled at me like it was no big deal.

What's up with these wolfs just doing whatever they wanted?

"I forgive you, but no more kissing." I told him sternly and then suddenly remembering I left my spell books outside.

"I have to go back outside, I left my books at the table."

I picked up my pace in the halls and left Fonz where he was at. I didn't have time to entertain another man. I was too busy with my coven and learning new spells. Plus I need to hurry back home and take some pain meds.

When I arrived outside, I saw a crowd sitting by my table. Literally on my things. I didn't see any of the girls, so they must've just left in a hurry thinking I'd be back.

As I got closer to my table I seen Kris first talking amongst his rogue witchy friends.

With my head down I went to the edge of the table and scooped up my belongings. Lifting up someone's red jacket that was on my spell book.

'Jeez, these people  come to a table and throw their things right one someone else's belongings?' I was talking shit in my head.

"Hey baby, I'm hungry. Are you and Kris going out for lunch?" I head a soft little voice.

I happened to look up and see a pretty face with a sparkling green dress and rosey pink lips. She's was cute. Pale in complexion, but adorably cute.

I smiled at her.

When I looked next to her, I saw a man already glaring me down with his ferocious, green eyes. Anger clearly written all over his face.


My heart dropped and I paused for a second before ripping my book from under his jacket. My heart wouldn't stop beating at one hundred miles per second!


I glared back at her and then to Bahm.

I lowered my head out of shame and left the table in a hurry. My heart was starting to ache tremendously. Terribly.

I felt... I felt betrayed, confused, and alone.

Why was I feeling this? He was never mines to begin with. How can I let the image of them two hurt me?

I even went as far as complimenting her in my head!

Why am I like this? What's wrong with me?

Walking to the food court, I couldn't hold back the sting in the corner of my eyes. I wiped away at the fallen tear and sat at the table alone.

My breathing was stuck somewhere in my lungs. I was stifling. It hurt to inhale and I felt dizzy.

Bringing out my last pain reliever from my
bag, I hurriedly swallowed it without any water.

Another tear left my face and now they were falling down one by one. I let them fall. Ignoring all the bodies in the food court.

I couldn't get bahm out of my head. He yells at me about another wolf, but he's already cuddled up with someone and even being called baby.

'What a dog!'

I don't even want to show my face around here anymore. I couldn't take the heartache.

The mating process isn't done yet I see. I still feel heartache towards my old mate.

I didn't know the person that does the rejecting will be in pain also...

This really sucks. I wonder how long this pain will last. I'm not sure I can handle seeing him around Witchy World.

I'm not sure my troubled heart can even bare the fact that I might be running into him.

I rejected him, and from what I've learned in my classes was, wolves don't survive rejection.

'He will be dying soon..'

Why couldn't it just be me?

Let me die instead.

I didn't wish for any of this to happen...

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