No Survivors!

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Hunnie was talking and asking if the soup was finally catching up to me because I was sweating profusely.

I nodded at her accidentally, but mostly listening to my demons talk and convince me of the bad acts I should do to Agatha once I see her.

"Slit ha throat!"
"Bury ha!"
"For the Queen!!"
"Teach them a lesssssson!"
"They touched....your.. TORO!"

My Demon-Wolf at the end made me chuckle. He shared more of my personality, than the ones that's been hitching a ride with me from the time I was banished to hell.

"I'll be back. I'm going to lock the door and tell the server not to bother you until I say so. Okay?"

This wasn't one of those days where I was lashing out because of the beast I am. This was a time necessary for me to inflict pain on the council, AGAIN!

They touched whats mine! They hurt and frightened my mate!

I left Hunnie alone in the private room, snacking away at the Toro hungrily. She didn't seem to mind me leaving her, as she was becoming tipsy and I was making it seem like I needed to shit, anyways. We all know I love spicy foods, it's a regular.

I hurriedly teleported to the garage after the coast was clear,arriving a few cars down from Agatha's, that was parked the 1st floor of the MGM casino garage.

I let my Demon-Wolf, Aldrerix come close to the surface so I could hear Agatha better through her noises.

She was yelling inside of her white SUV to another woman and talking on the phone. Listening in on her convo she was talking to another council member.

"No one is to call me anymore Yacob!
Tell all the covens!!
I'm on vacation!!"

Her loud and rusty voice making demands to Yacob, the one who controlled the vault room. I became furious to know she was actually calling her hiding a "vacation" and more excited she was speaking with another victim that I'll see soon.

"Tell them all to cloak their belongings and locations. And! No more opening portals, they stay open for too long...Call Tiff, she's waiting."

Tiff...her sister. I remember smelling her in that room too.

My nails elongated out and I used my telekinesis to unlock her vehicle and hop in, in one swift motion.

She didn't even realize I was sitting in her backseat, next to her assistant who was frightened shook at my sudden appearance. Her mouth was open and her heart heart raced tremendously.

I automatically teleported the assistant to another country, Africa in particular, and leaned back in my seat, trying not to make a sound just yet.

"No! I will not allow our respect for her to determine how we handle his situation!" She hissed in on her new phone call.

She was referring to Hiliana. Sounds like they had a plan to kill me first, before I got to them, but it's too late. Nothing my birth mother could say or do, would stop me from causing hell to all involved! She will be last anyways....

I waited for her to end her call, speaking to her from behind before slitting her throat. Using my telekinesis, a joint appears in my hand from home. I lit instantly and began puffing.

My ears picked up on her nostrils flaring and sniffing the air.

"You done?" My voice boomed from the shadows of her back seat.

I could sense her heart rate rising within the seconds.

"Who is that?" She said frozen in her seat, not even able to lower her phone from her hands. Her eyes peered over slowly to her rear view mirror. Searching the shadows.

"You know who this is, Agatha. Put down your phone."

Her heart was non-existence as I spoke and I could smell the sweat leaving her pores at an incredibly fast rate.

She didn't listen to me about the phone, so I transported it out of her grip and she gasped, which then led to a sob.

"I just want to know why you all did it, and I might just spare you...if you tell the truth." My tone growing colder. I brought myself between the driver and passenger seat, facing her.

She eyed my face in recognition before closing her eyes. She wouldn't dare to use magic in my presence. I could shut it down real quick. It was a dead end for her.

"It-it-it was Hiliana's idea...... and...and... I didn't think your mate... would-would... be a...
Dark ..Witch." She stammered very slowly. "They...They ju—just wanted t-to user her mag—magic.."

The freckles on her pale, greasy face was dancing all over from trembling. She reeked of cigarettes and I could feel her itching to use any spell she could.

I didn't want to have the patience anymore. My woman was waiting for me to return and I wanted to be by her side even more now. I'm not relieved to hear they wanted her just for her magic.

"Use her magic for are testing me!" I twirled her blonde hairs around my fingers and sniffed, for any indication of the others.

"To-to ...I..I..don't—know."


I sensed deceit coming from her heart's desired words. I didn't have much more time to waste. I'll ask her sister.

Her throat spilled out, splashing all along her furry white coat, dashboard and along the tinted front window. She was now gasping, holding on to her gashing wound.

"I warned you all a long time ago not to mess with me. You brought this upon yourself again. Your crypto sleeping days ends here, old bitch."

I growled to her, as her body became lifeless with eyes opened.

"Hey bro, you good?" I heard Kris communicate in our link. He was no where nearby, but our connection allowed us to communicate anywhere. He must be feeling my tense and angered emotions right now.

I teleported back to the restroom nearby our private dining, and washed my hands. Ignoring Kris. The bathroom wasn't empty, an old foreign guy stared at me with terrifying confusion as to how I ended up teleporting in front of him.

I wasn't gone no longer 10 minutes and walked in on Hunnie making herself another shot. Her face lit up when I arrived and she raised her glass to me, taking the whole shot in one sip.

"At'a girl!" I smiled back to her twinkling face. Hiding my monsters.

Seemed this wasn't the first shot she took in my short absence.

"You took forever!" She rolled her eyes and held her arms out to me. She was drunk.

Embracing her and planting pepper kisses all along her cheeks and nose, I said, "I had a big mess to clean.."

She enjoyed that very much. She laughed and covered her mouth obnoxiously. My cute and naive little mate.

It wasn't over.

I had already got the scent of Tiff. I was fighting my demons for control.

Tiff, you are next.

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