How could this be my mate?

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Hunnie's ✨

When I arrive to Noras, I was about twenty minutes late to our meet up time. Feeling flustered, with a new energy to me, my body was radiating.

I couldn't even believe my wolfy still liked to do that with his tongue!

It was a memory that I craved to have back. I remembered how hot and aroused I used to get by just seeing his. The sparks that lit my demeanor.

I still felt very shy around him. He had emotions now and could talk. I was afraid of what could be said.

"Hey bitch, glad you made it safely!" Lenah blurted out, as I approached the corner table they were sitting at. 

Everyone was having a good time and ordering away at their second drinks and chicken wings. Jahred and Fonz were here too, and they both kept making jokes about getting me drunk. 

"You have to get out more. You can't even handle drinks anymore." Fonz would say, directing most of his attention to the girls, trying to get them to laugh. 

I'm sure I can still hold alcohol. I only stopped going out after I left Wolfy. I was too traumatized to drink and accidentally break down from rejecting him...

All afternoon, til the time we left. I was really trying to figure out if Bahm was really my mate . He was really good at making me feel good and I could tell he really wants to be with me! The connection feels like it's all there, but I feel something weighing me down from being with him.

His tongue was very addicting and my body really loved when he's near. I could never expect to go through these types of feelings with someone else.

Although, I'm still a bit upset that he's been bedding other women, but had the nerves to confront me about Fonz. I wasn't quite sure I could say he was mines just yet, but I could tell he wasn't going to leave me alone. Deep down, I didn't want him to leave me either....but I must be his only woman.

When we all got our tipsy selves back to Witchy World, we all went to the food court. I kept looking around to see if I'd spot Bahm in any of the crowds, but I didn't.

It wasn't until we got closer to the food court did my heart started to race. I was feeling a sense of an anxiety attack mixed with a faint sweet scent.

Jahred opens the doors with Tenn and Carney at his side, talking away about who knows what and then Fonz, Lenah and I were behind them.

Straight ahead was our table and it already sat Kris, Gabriel, and Bahm. They were singing and rapping into a little boom box that Gabriel kept pushing buttons on.

We all took seats in our usual place at the farther end of the table. The girls immediately went up to the food lines with Fonz and Jahred, to get themselves something to eat, and Lenah and I stayed behind.

I never knew Kris could rap. He didn't sound bad at all, but his mouth was very vulgar. Then when Bahm opened his mouth to sing, Lenah and I both stared down at him admiring his aristocratic style and smooth tongue singing away.

His voice was beautiful and I got goosebump hearing him sing in a foreign language. It sounded like it could have even been fluent.

Witchy World's Lost Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें