First They're Sweet

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Hunnie 👄

"Come, let's nap now.." Bahm said, reaching one hand out to me, while his other hand lazily stroked his still hard cock.

Having just came back from his beautiful, black marbled bathroom.
I wasn't sure what his idea of a nap was, but I was not about to take another pounding.

My body was on fire! Especially my privates, they were torn inside out!!!

Seeing why he called it being punished. Was this because I won't hurry and complete the mating process?

I made my way to him and he pulled me over his body.  I laid inside the couch, while he laid on the outside.

He rolled his naked body over to me and intertwined his legs with mines, resting his head into the crevices on my neck.

I could feel his hot breath blowing on the faded mark he left me.
I noticed since rejecting him, It's
been disappearing, slowly.

When sleep started to take a hold of my mind, I rested my head on his, falling asleep.

When I woke, I could see the sun going down through his balcony's glass door. Bahm still asleep, spooning with my battered body.

I lifted my head softly and took a looked at his sleeping face. All I could see from my angle was his cute big ears and his jawline. It felt nice being cradled like this.

I rubbed his smooth and creamy chiseled arms, up and down to wake him up. His body rumbled at my touches and he burrowed his legs deeper between mines.

I wanted to be this man's mate, but I was not okay with the thought of biting into someone's flesh and tasting blood.

After staying on the couch a few extra minutes, rubbing all over each other, we both got dressed and freshened up.

I grabbed the leftover short ribs off his dining room table and we made our way out.

We drove home with his fingers linked between mines the whole drive there. He kept kissing my knuckles and saying my name.


"Hmm?" Replying back, but he would never say anything.

This went on for every kiss he gave my hands.




We parted ways a few houses down from my covenants frat house and I went straight to take a shower and sleep for the next day. It was getting late.

I couldn't sleep all that well.

I was thinking about Bahm the whole night. We seemed to both be trying our hardest to get to know each other through these times.

The times of misunderstanding each other.
The times of us not having any control over certain situations...

I could keep him as a secret boyfriend for now until I had to reveal him as my mate. Hopefully, that would be when the coven has fully ascended me in.


At the academy, I arrived pretty early and sat in the food court waiting for the girls to all land in the realm.

"Hey Hunnie how are you? You look great ma" Tenn said with a big wide grin.

"I'm good sis. You look great today too. You going out later?" I asked. She was wearing a cute nude dress with black stilettos.

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