Ye too, shall pay!

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Bahm's 🦾 P.O.V

Leaving the temple I summon the demon realm, I teleported my battered, pulverized, bloody body, back to the penthouse.

Before leaving, I stripped down naked and snapped my fingers to burn the bloodied, gut infested clothing to dust.

The demons tonight were as savage as I was. They didn't waste anytime to show up in waves and attack me head one. While I didn't wast any time taking my anger out on them.

My demon ears traveled all the while, picking up on witchy chatter about the Council's headquarters collapsing.

Distracting me as I fought.

My blood churn knowing that some got away.

I will find them all.

I always do..

How dare they thought they could kidnap MY woman?

The Council was just as bad as Hiliana's Dark Witches from my past. The ones that experimented and pushed many limits of my demonic powers. 

Once I left Hunnie's side early morning, my mind instantly kicked into my predatory demonic state.

The beast in me craved for revenge, they craved for blood ever since we got rejected.

Teleporting back to the penthouse, I used my kinesis to start the shower.

Toughening my skull to remember I'm home and not the demon realm anymore.

My whole persona changed.

I soaked in all 4 shower heads. Letting the steam swallow me whole.

I could feel and hear Hunnie's sweet, steady heart, beating away. It brought me so much comfort knowing she was going to stay with me from now on.

The safest place she could be. I was convinced she wouldn't want to leave my side either.

My body was still healing a gruesome bruise all along my chest and abdomen, from a giant demon ogre. He caught me off guards as my ears twitches at Hunnie's and Kris's conversation.

The bruise has grown into the size of a watermelon and was a bit sensitive to the touch.

My cells were taking a while to connect and to completely heal the internal wound.
It looked worst when the club first made contact with my body.

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