Little Witch, Little Witch, let Me In!

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Hunnie 📖

-"Hey Hunnie. Do you remember that marriage ceremony with Jahred and your coven back in 8th grade?"

A text from Lenah pops up on my phone. A cold shiver runs down my back and to my legs.

-"Yeah,why?" I reply back while making my way outside the academy.

-"I swear, I just heard Evie and Jahred talking about it! I could be wrong, but I heard your name and "8th grade holy marriage".. so I wanted to inform you.. they might be up to something."

It was quite odd for that subject to even be brought up....

It was a covenant's mock marriage and we were only 13 years old! Promising to marry each other for the covens sake if they ever needed two witches of the same strength, but I never ascended. So that's a dead end.

It made my stomach turn a bit, but I continued my way to the picnic table outside to enjoy today's rays.

My hibiscus's essence was making my skin glow and my curls feel weightless. I always wondered how I'd look to everyone else when I used this energy spell.

The coven would catch a fit if they knew I was taking life from a plant. After all, we are a light coven, we give life, not take it. Disturbing Mother Nature was forbidden!

-"Hey Im in dancing studio if you wanna join!!" Lenah replied to the group chat this time.

"Ill be there in a hour ladies. Talk to y'all later !!" Tenn texted.

-"Okay Tenn.
Hey sure. Is it full Lenah?" I asked nervously knowing Bahm and Kris might be there.

-"The usual. Come on down. I'll meet you in the hall."

The agonizing walk to the academy studio made me want to vomit. I felt like I couldn't face Bahm since he left this morning.

I knew what he wanted, but I wasn't ready to be open and public with whatever it is that we have, and I was nervous for him to say something that he shouldn't.

-"Hey I'm close. Meet me in the halls please." I text Lenah, wanting to enter with her and not alone.

We met me in the halls, right in front of the studio room doors and she led me to the bleachers in the far left.

Bahm was indeed there. Dancing away like Michael Jackson with his friends. Gyrating and popping in place.

His dance moves attracted the attention from all the whores in the room. To my surprise, Evie and Jahred were even in here, sitting on the same bleachers we were, but closer to the main door.

"Yeah, so I guess after high school Kris became a music producer and manages Bahm, your Wolfy" Lenah says nonchalant.

I was taken back a bit. So are they celebrities, or not? She learned a lot more about them than I ever tried to.

"Oh wow that's amazing. Good for Kris!" I said whole heartedly.

We took pictures and texted the others girls. Then we recorded videos of all the guys dancing and posting to our insta-medias.

I caught Bahm winking at me a few times and even going as far as sticking his tongue out at me. He was being fresh and I'd nervously look away or blush at his gestures.

I most definitely didn't want anyone catching on to us. Especially since Jahred and Evie was in the room....

We stayed in the studio until late evening because Lenah had to go to one of her night classes in the human realm.

"I'll catch you later. Text me if you need me, I'll be there quick!" She say, rushing down the bleachers and out the studio doors.

I left ta good ten minutes after she did and made my way outside to our usual picnic table.

I saw both Kris and Bahm look up at me as I walked my way through the bleachers. The hairs of the back of my neck couldn't have stood higher than what they were doing.

Im hoping Bahm hadn't confide in anything about me to Kris. I might die!

Kris was a known pervert, who loved woman of any shape and skill. He got around very well.

I didn't need to be in Witchy world any longer anyways, so I settled on opening a portal in the bathroom to my room, calling it quits for the day.

When I got in, I took my heels off and sat on my bed, scrolling through my phone. I got a friend request from some 'D.King' on my social link app.

I ignored it. I didn't need to make any new friends, and they had a weird demonic looking picture anyways...

I laid on my bed, pretending to ignore my stomach growling so I could exhale fully and sink in.

'Growl errrr Growl'

-"Open your door." A foreign number texted me just as I was about to head to the kitchen.

-"Who is this?" I replied.

-"Little witch. Open the door.." They replied back instantly.

Little witch? Sounds familiar...

I walked outside of my room and went to go peek out my kitchen window to see if someone was actually out there.

All I could see was red through the kitchen blinds. The front door was too much at an angle to see anyone. One thing that also sucked about this place.

I slowly opened the door and my body is hoisted into the air. Bahm barges right in, lifting me off of my feet  tidal style and cradling me in his arms.

"Shhh! What are you doing" I whispered yell to me him and gripping onto his neck.

He carried me to my room and sat on the bottom of my bed near the window he used to climb in.

"I wanna take you out to eat...will you go out with me?" He asked frankly. His eyes melting into mine.

I wasn't sure if I was ready for this, eating out in public.

"Uhm... where?" I said nervously.

"A place near Jersey. You'll like it." He said looking at my eyes and caressing the side of my face.

His touches were so sweet and addicting. I always wanted his hand on my body. It didn't matter where, I yearned for his warm touches all over.

"Okay, sure." I said scanning my outfit over.

"Is this okay to wear? I don't want to be too dressed up." His eyes met the cleavage by my sweetheart neckline.

Licking his lips he brought his head by my neck and licked by my collar bone.

"You look perfect..." 'Lick'
"No need to worry.." 'Lick..Lick!'

Bahm was slobbering all over my neckline like a hungry dog. My cleavage and neck was damp from his lick, making his hot breath feel cool against my skin.

The aching between my legs begged to find it's release. I couldn't resist my mate, and I haven't even marked him yet!!

I wondered if he could sense how excited he gets me, or was he still disappointed in me for not marking him last time?

His hand begin roaming up my dress and caressing my back. Sending the ultímate goosebumps coating my skin.

"Hunnie I want you to mark me so bad." His voice quivers and he puts his forehead to mine.

I wasn't sure I could get myself to mark him. Just the thought about my teeth sinking into his flesh and tasting him blood made me squirm.

I'm not a vampire or werewolf, where they are constantly using their teeth on beings. I'm just a witch, that loves her tea.

This is the moment I've been dreading. How can I tell him without making him feel like I don't care about him? I've already put him through a lot...

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