Whos your mate?

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Hunnie's 👩🏻‍🦱

The goddesses hands brought an excruciating zap to my skin as she cupped my chin.

We both felt it.

She stands up with much confusion fixed on the tip of her brows and the blacks in her eyes.

Her green eyes changed from confusion to fear within seconds.

"Who is your mate?" She said placing a hand on her chest.

She looked mortified and I felt a strange pull from the silver doors of the room. Something was calling me out there and I felt drawn to it. 

The goddess of a woman sits back on the bed and into my view again, hoping to catch my attention fully.


Burst a group of injured tribal witches through the sliding doors.

Their clothes were twisted and they looked disheveled. They seemed frightened, as one collapses on the ground.

"What's going on!" She yelled.

Before her witches could even answer her, in comes more witches from the council barging in.

"There has been a breech! We are moving to the councils chambers." The freckled council member says.


My heart started to burn in my chest, heating my body. I felt so angered and my heart began racing.

Everyone is escorted out.

Witchy World's Lost AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin