Can You Really

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"There's no way he'll do that Hunnie. He's just feeding you more bottomless hopes and lies!"

Anna says in a way I almost believed him.

Bahm would actually go to hell for me?

He says he's been there before and escaped, but according to Kris and him, it was a very scary thing to do and I couldn't imagine what it was like down there. He still has nightmares about it I'm told!

"I'm serious Hunnie. I'll go and...and I'll reject...Azalea if you want me to." Anna looks back at me. Her eyes wide and surprised.

She comes up to me and kisses my cheeks while squeezing them together. I felt as though she was giving me up and I didn't understand why.

"Hunnie....what do you think? If he follows his word and rejects the young nymph...will you-"

"He doesn't have to!"

A familiar voice interrupts Anna from the crowd of guest down below. Everyone turns their head to the perpetrator, a woman wearing a white cloth dress and a white scarf covering her face. A few other women stood to her side wearing a black linen dress with a scarf covering their face.

My eyes follow them all as they squeezed their way through the guests. The woman in black unwraps her turban and brown with golden locks spring free and the young, thinned and ill face of Azalea is revealed.

My mouth hung open at her appearance and I heard a small sniffle leave Bahm's nose. He drops back down to his knees, his whole body consumed in smoke, and Azalea begins talking amongst her people.

"I...Azalea." She turns to her people watching them with caustics eyes. I felt a slight thumping ache to my heart.

"I Azalea Lockwood reject The Demon-Wolf King Bahm as my mate." 

Gasp are heard though all the guest that attended the wedding. I was shocked to even see Azalea here to begin with!

Bahm gasps for air as he begin choking, and rolling onto his side. He started clutching his chest and coughing even more. Azalea is also seen clutching her chest, almost dropping to the ground but her people held her up by her hand.

My eyes begin stinging. Seeing Bahm helpless on the ground hurt me a bit, especially knowing he was suffering from another rejection.

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