F I F T Y - S E V E N

Start from the beginning

She want her to take away from this place.

"I am sorry Roo, Mumma is the reason of all your pains." She sobbed couldn't help from stopping herself remembering the times she acted careless towards her. The door churned, she guessed her husband presence from his footsteps and she dried her cheeks. Raman sat at the either side of the bed and caressed Roohi head. He kissed her temple and caressed her tiny palms which started to swell due to cannula which has been inserted in her palms since day before yesterday.

"Wake up my brownie. Papa miss you." Raman wiped off the mist before it could come out from his eyes. He checked Roohi temple and found her temprature normal.

"Ishita, Vandita has came with breakfast. Have something." Ishita bit her lower lip and looked at Raman, she didn't told him about the fasts she is keeping for Roohi. She knew if she told him about the fasts he wouldn't let her keep those at the first place or start keeping fasts with her if she didn't budged and she don't want any one of the those. She don't want Raman to compel for anything knowing well his beliefs. She was still amuse when she found him outside of gurudwara.

"I don't want it now, it's quiet early to have breakfast. Why don't you take it?"

"Not without you." Raman denied.

"It doesn't look good Raman moreover we cannot leave Roohi alone. You go and take breakfast with them, I will eat it later." Raman agreed with Ishita without creating much fuss which was enough to surprise Ishita. She chose to sit next to Roohi, caressed her tiny fingers and peppered light kisses over her face praying to God to recover her soon.


It was mid afternoon when Dr Shivani came to visit another time along her team. Roohi has gotten fever again, she hasn't eaten anything solid and she is on the glucose. The young doctor didn't looked much hopeful as she checked her vitals, "How is she doing doctor? Why her fever is not coming down?" Ishita stammered looking at the frown on Dr. Shivani face.

"Don't worry Mrs. Bhalla. Be hopeful." The young doctor tried to comfort Ishita although she know nothing can comfort her except Roohi improved health.

"How can I be? You're a doctor. Do something, lower down her fever. She hasn't opened her eyes since yesterday." Ishita throat turned hoarse, her knees wobbled as the reality stuck her, her daughter is sinking. Raman caged his wife in his arms, unable to see her breaking down. Today it appeared his entire existence is dooming.

"No Ishita. Roohi needs you, you cannot loose hope." He kissed her knuckles, Dr. Shivani left the ward to give couple some time, Ishita chose to sit next to Roohi whereas Raman took long strides and followed Dr. Shivani who was going towards Dr. Ansari cabin.

"I want truth, tell me what is happening to my daughter. And if yoy cannot handle her than tell me beforehand. I will arrange something else." Raman blasted on young doctor making her scare, she visibly looked terrified but before she could reply, Dr. Ansari came in the picture. He took the reports and read it in one go. A father in him can understand the plight of another father, Dr. Ansari squeezed Raman shoulder and asked him to come in his cabin.

"Raman, Roohi is very much in our control is that the continuous fever is deteriorating everything.
This isn't a good sign for her Mr. Bhalla. I afraid but this fever would delay her surgery."

"What can we do than? I want my daughter back." Raman voice croaked but he tried not to show his vulnerability.

"We have changed the combination of vitals and also a team of doctor's is going to join us from New Jersey shortly to monitor Roohi case. Dr. Jeet Shandilya is specialist in post cardiac surgery care. We are trying our level best." Both Dr. Ansari and Raman knew the words cannot comfort him it's just Roohi and her recovery which can give solace to a father. Raman came out from Dr. Ansari cabin and started to walk dejectedly in the corridore, his mind refused to give him any peace. He kept walking looking nowhere particular and entered into some different corridor which took him away from the suite where Roohi was admitted.

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