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My head is killing me and my body hurts. I hear voices around me and take a chance to open my eyes. Which are Immediately blinded by the bright lights of a familiar room. The scent of antiseptic and bleach, heavy in the air. A quick closing of my eyes and a slower adjustment to the lights, I'm able to see around me.

To my left lays Kacchan, to my right my baby Izumi. Both sleeping and covered in bandages. Recovery girl, Mr. Aizawa and my remaining children stand by the door in a hushed conversation. None noticed my current state.

That's until Kacchan begins to stir and of course curse out his pain and discomfort. When he looks around the room, he spots me and asks;

"How you feel, Nerd?"

"On a scale of broken arm to Nomu smash? I'd say two broken arms and a bruised rib."

"Better than I expected. You children will be the death of me." RG intrups us.

"How's Izumi?" I ask the retired pro.

"He'll be okay. Had to remove a stick and some concrete though. He also broke a few bones and cracked three ribs. He's resting now. I swear, you Bakugo's are trouble." She informs us.

"How the hell did that shit happen?" Kacchan roars.

"Not sure myself, your other children should be able to tell us more. They're currently refusing."

My husband and I raise an eyebrow at our conscious children. "Kids? Explain." I say deathly calm.

They along with Kacchan gulp.

After that Kazue and Kamaria take turns explaining everything we've missed that's led us to our current position.

"Let me get this straight. You three have been vigilantes for the last year and a half with the rest of your class?" I ask, my irritation and worry slowly getting the better of me.

"Yes." The pair respond, heads hung low.

"What the fuck were you thinking!" I shout.

"Mom, Nezu knows. We're legal." Izumi's rough voice responds. He rummages through his pockets searching for something.

"Here." He says a few moments later, holding out an all too familiar card.

I take the card and read over it.

Across the golden card are the words Hero License. Below that are the usual; Card number and the date it was issued. Four months after the end of their first year.

Following that information is his hero name; Kiro and his birthday. Below that in smaller print is their underground hero group name, Doodlers.

"You did it. You guys really did it." I cry, happy tears.

"Oi! What's wrong?" Kacchan asks.

I respond by handing him Izumi's pro license.

"Fuck yeah!" Kacchan shouts a few minutes later, a huge smile on his face.

"Mom? Dad?" My baby's question.

"Yes, dears?"

"What now?"

"While what you did before your license's was very dangerous and illegal, I am proud of what you all have accomplished. There was a time I would have become a vigilante. True heroes don't need fame or fortune to save and help those in need. You are doing great work as heroes. You three and your class may be pros now, but you're all still students. Don't you dare fall behind in school work. Got it?"

"Yes mom." Is the unanimous response, followed by hugs and tears.

A knock at the door an hour later has us pulling apart and allowing our guests to enter.

"Deku, Ground Zero. While I'm glad you are safe I must inform you and the others of some information we have come across." Principal Nezu addresses us from atop Aizawa's shoulders, the use of our hero names has Kacchan and I in our hero mindsets.

"Spit it out you damn rat!" Kacchan shouts, worry and determination in his eyes and voice.

"A war is coming."

The Cursed Siblings Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz