First day of school!

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I am here! I am here! I am here! My alarm clock from mom wakes me. 

"Dork! Turn it off!" Zue grumbles tossing a pillow at me. 

"Can't, time for school!" I shout, excitedly catching the pillow. 

"Ugh!" He groans sitting up and rubbing his eyes. 

"Let's go!" I shout, pulling on my UA uniform and grabbing my bag after I showered and brushed my teeth. 

"Oi! Brats! Food!" Dad shouts a few minutes later the smell of bacon and eggs wafts into my nose from the kitchen. 

"Coming!" Zue and I shout running downstairs and into the kitchen. 

"Took you long enough." Me-me sasses, chewing on a piece of bacon. 

"Everyone in the car in five! Kacchan where's my bag and hero costume?" Mom calls running through the house looking for his stuff. 

"Oi! Nerd! Check the closet." Dad responds, eating his breakfast already dressed in his hero costume. 

"Wait, are you two teaching at our school?" Me-me asks.

"Nerd is, I have patrols." Dad responds. 

"Oh." We mumble as one.

"Everyone ready?" Mom asks from the front door. 

"Here Nerd." Dad grumbles, shoving a slice of toast in mom's mouth. 

"Thanks, Kacchan. Into the car kids!" Mom smiles and shoos us out the door. 

Twenty minutes later mom parked the car in the staff parking lot and shooed us towards the main entrance while he went into the staff one. 

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