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It's been almost a week since Umi brought Hana and Kiyoshi home. They seem to have settled in well. Turns out Kiyoshi is our age, sixteen and his sister Hana is ten. Mom and Dad decided to adopt the siblings since we couldn't find their parents and Umi refused to let them out of his sight for too long. Also Kiyoshi is joining us at UA while Hana goes to our old middle school. We don't know much about their quirk other than we can't get to close when they are using it. So, mom gave Kiyoshi a recommendation to get into the Hero course where uncle Aziawa can keep an eye on him and his quirk. I spent most of this week with Doofus training and occasionally eavesdropping on Kiyoshi and Umi's training and sometimes conversations. We only have two days left until we start school. 

"Oi! Get ya head out of the fucking clouds!" Doofus shouted as his punch landed on my shoulder knocking me back a few steps and onto my butt. 

"Fuck! I'm back!" I call righting myself and returning to a fighting stance. Closing my eyes I focus on Doofus' movements, the way the air changes when he's within striking distance. And they way he moves his feet the loose dirt and gravel ground. When I open my eyes again I block Doofus' incoming fist with my arm and in one swift move I crouch down and sweep his feet out from under him sending my brother onto the hard ground with a loud thud. 

"Fuck! You win!" Doofus grumbles after catching his breath. 

"I know." I smile triumphantly at my brother as I hold my hand out for him to grab.

"Don't need ya fucking help!" He grumbles and takes my hand.

"Now let's go watch the lovebirds." I suggest heading to Umi and Kiyoshi's spot in our backyard training grounds. 

"You're an omega!" I hear Kiyoshi shout followed by a thud, as we get closer to them.

"Yeah? What of it? Your footwork needs more work." Umi responds in a board tone.

"But how?" 

"Don't know. Just am." 

"You seem so much like an Alpha tho! Now I'm screwed." Kiyoshi shouts the first part but attempts to whisper the second.

"How come?" Umi questions tilting his head to the side as he reaches his hand out to help his fallen partner up. 

"I'm fucking omega too." He grumbles. 

"Sweet! Now I'm not the only one! Well besides mom." Umi smiles. 

"Oi! Stop spying on them and get back to fucking training! Or would you rather I train ya!" Dad suddenly shouts behind us making all four of us jump. 

"No dad, sorry dad." Doofus and I respond as one.

"Whatever brats. Not like I wanted to train ya anyway." Dad pouts.

"Oi! Dad, come help us!" I hear Umi shout as he and Kiyoshi return to their training.

"Suck up." Doofus mumbles making me giggle. 

"Come one, let's get back to training. Mom will be out soon with lunch." 

Right on cue mom comes out of the house with a platter of sandwiches and solo cups in his hands and his tail wrapped around a pitcher of strawberry lemonade, a few large bags of potato chips carried in by Hana, who followed mom outside like a lost puppy. 

"Lunch!" Mom calls, setting everything down on the picnic table set under an umbrella. 

"Coming!" Everyone calls back, finishing up their training, before coming to get lunch.

Being the amazing sister that I am, I start passing the plates out to everyone as we line up and grab our food. Sometimes snatching others food before they can grab it. Fuck you Kazue! That was mine! I shout in the link as he had stolen a sandwich I was reaching for. 

"Mine now!" He responds aloud, confusing our two newest siblings, who look between us with confusion. 

"Ignore them." Umi says with a shrug.

Oi! Don't fucking respond out loud if ya going to use the link! Idiots! Umi's unamused voice drifts through the link.

"Sorry." Doofus and I mumble around bites of sandwiches. 

"Ugh! What did I just say!" Umi throws his hands up with a huff, as his plate is safely on the table. 

"Umm...what's going on?" Kiyoshi asks, staring at us with a confused look on his face.

"Nothing!" We respond in unison. 


"Anyway, who wants Watermelon?" Mom asks a little too enthusiastically, the platter of watermelon slices shaking slightly from his nerves.

"Me!" We all shout, grabbing a slice once the platter is set on the table. 

After lunch was eaten and our stomachs settled we returned to training, with dad giving Umi and Kiyoshi pointers, while mom did the same for Doofus and I. They would switch off sometimes when dad got frustrated with Kiyoshi not understanding his training methods, or just totally sucking at hand to hand. We trained until dinner then it was off to bed. Tomorrow is the last free day we have before school starts. I'm not sure how my brothers are going to spend it, but me, I plan to relax and enjoy a nice bubble bath. 

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