Jeff Here

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It's been ages since yall have heard from me, I know. You see, collecting souls and stopping others from becoming my next client, takes a long time. Boss has also been keeping me pretty busy since the whole, leaving the front door open and Izumi finding it. In my defense, I thought I closed it. When I finally got a chance to get away from Boss and his copious amounts of paperwork, I found my family sleeping and waiting for their school day to begin.

I watched the Bakugou's train their kids to exhaustion. Honestly it was pretty funny when the kids spent the day hiding from their parents in trees and other things. Izu and Kat spent hours searching for their sort of lost kids. Only for them to be discovered by Hound Dog on UA grounds laughing their asses off in a tree as their parents searched and they all ran from a very confused Hound Dog. 

After that fiasco, I found myself hovering over my own children asleep in their beds after having been adopted by a nice underground hero family. The twins and Kosuke had a day full of training as well. Kosuke more so since he managed to get into the hero course. The twins had their hands full with the support and general studies courses. I caught them a few times switching places with each other. It took a while but eventually their homeroom teachers caught onto their parent trap and would make them switch back by dropping the other back into their correct course. Despite being fraternal twins the two shared a lot of similar features, so it was hard to tell them apart when you weren't paying attention. As a result the twins got to learn both courses at relatively the same time. 

I have no idea where they got this idea from but it worked to the point the teachers gave up switching them back and just let the twins do as they pleased, since they would eventually go back to their original courses at some point in the day. 

To my surprise I found a few former villains kids in all three courses. Dabi and Toga's son had somehow managed to join class 1B as well as Twice's twin daughters and Kurogiri's son. The other courses held a few children of former villains who were too scared for the League to go against them. With the League gone and Tomura Shigaraki in the wind planning something even I cannot see. The lower villains who remained loose turned their backs on villainy in favor of starting families and living life as a normal citizen. As for the three former members, they left their children in the care of trusted heroes so they could grow up with better lives then they had. Dabi and Toga, left their daughter with Shoto, Twice found a nice underground hero for his daughters, and Kurogiri left his son with an old friend, who thinks him dead. Each child was left on the doorstep of these heros with a note similar to each. The note read, 'allow them to live as we have not.' Each note had the child's name and birthday, the parents' names left out. I had watched as each former villain placed their children at the doorstep a few years back. Now the children had grown into respectable members of society, each unknowingly fulfilling the dreams their parents were unable to. 

The day Dabi broke into UA was to see his daughter, even though she couldn't know him as her father. He was broken and twisted during his time with the League and his mental health declined further from his time with both the league and his father's beatings that none of us knew of until Shoto finally broke down and told us a few days before Kat went haywire over Izu's capture. 

Endeavour was sent to Tartarus as it was the only prison capable of holding him. The Todoroki family was in ruins for a time, but eventually they came together and healed. 

Standing in the shadows of the room my children sleep in has given me a peacefulness I haven't known in a long time. With a quiet sigh, gentle smile and words of love and apology, I pull the covers that have fallen from my children up and over their shivering forms before I open a portal and head towards my next client. A small boy in the hospital. His fight finally ended. 

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