Not this again

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Uncle inched his way into class, coffee mug somehow in his sleeping bag and said something about mom's class before he told us not to bother him and went to sleep in a corner.

"How the fuck did mom know?!" I shout at my siblings who look as disappointed and confused as I do.

"No idea. Mom must be a wizard or something." Kam responds while Umi is still processing that we lost the bet.

"Well, how do we pay mom?" I ask

"Mom did say we could do chores for two weeks instead." Umi supplies.

"I am not cleaning toilets for two weeks." Kam responds, a disgusted look on her face.

"How long has mom been able to listen in on our mind link?" 

"No fucking clue." 

"Probably forever." Umi unhelpfully adds. 

"Um..hello." a girl who smells like antiseptic and lavender walks up to us. Followed by a boy who resembles Uncle Tenya wayyy too much.

"What extra?" I glare at the girl with brown hair and purple eyes. The boy making strange robot arm movements, opening and closing his mouth like a damn fish.

"What my brother means is, hello." Umi responds to her after a sigh. 

"I'm Ochaco Chiyoko. And this is Iida Hibiki, we were wondering if we could be friends." The girl says just above a whisper. 

"Whatever." Kam and I say at the same time as Umi says, "sure. I'm Bakugou Izumi, please call me Izumi or something." The girl smiles at Umi and they start talking about something I don't care about. 

"Dude! How's it hanging?!" Firehair shouts from the doorway running up to us. His campfire scent engulfs me. Mine. A voice that's not mine but is, says to me. 

"It's whatever." I respond pulling the very confused omega into my lap while my idiot siblings smirk.

"Um, Kazue, was it? Can you like let me go." Firehair asks trying to pull out of my hold and with a wave of coldness I relent and let my omega go. 

"So dude, why'd you do that?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. Adorable. 

We can hear you. My idiot siblings say through the link in a teasing voice. 

"Shut up!" I yell at my siblings slamming my fists on the desk, my tail making mini explosions. 

"Bakugou! Do I have to send you to Nezu again?" Uncle sleepily mumbles from his corner his red eyes peeking out of his sleeping bag.

"No uncle, sorry uncle. Whose Nezu?" I mumble sitting back in my seat as my siblings laugh.

"I'm not.. Whatever." Uncle mumbles going back to his nap. 

"Seriously who the fuck is Nezu?" I ask my siblings and the extras around me.

"I think it's the principle." Firehair answers after a head tilt and an adorable thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Zue, I think uncle thinks your dad." Umi says around a chuckle. 

Tch. "Whatever." I mumble copying dad's sound.

The sound of a chair screeching against the floor followed by Umi's low growl interrupted any conversation Firehair was going to start.  

"Umi?" Kam asked, glancing at our brother whose tail has started a slow wag & ears turning every direction possible. His nose upturned as if searching for something or someone. 

"Mine." Umi's quite mumble is all we hear soon followed by the possive low growl of an Alpha. The growl is soon followed by a forine boy with reddish brown hair and blue green eyes. His scent is strange and makes me scrunch my nose up. On instaince, I put Firehair behind me & Kam gets in front of a red haired girl. 

What now? Mom and dad said to protect him until he meets his Alpha. Is this guy really his Alpha? I ask my sister through the link unsure what to do.

No idea. If he does anything wrong blow him. Kam responds, her face turning red while I chuckle.

Really dork? Nice wording. I smirk.

That's not! Ugh you know what I mean! She shouts through the link after a few seconds.

Yeah I know. 

"Shut up already!" Umi suddenly shouts his eyes, never leaving the Alpha's. 

"Who are you?" The Alpha asks in broken but mostly fluent Japanese. 

"Bakugo Izumi. Who are you?" Umi responds. 

"Aziawa Jacob. Just moved." 

"Seriously problem children! I can't! Not this again! I'm too damn tired for this! Deku! All Might! They're all yours!" Uncle suddenly shouts inching his way out the door as mom marches in with Uncle All Might by his side. 

"I am here! Walking through the door like a normal person!" Mom shouts with his signature grin." 

Ugh! Not this again! My siblings & I groan as one. Umi now somehow in the Alpha, Jacob's arms. 

The extras starts shouting and asking mom for autographs while Uncle All Might looks like a lost puppy who just realized it's not special. 

"Oi! Shut up extras!" Kam and I shout.

Mom gives us the look before he starts talking about his class and what we're going to learn in it. 

"Not this again." I hear mom mumble under his breath just before an annoyingly loud alarm with a flashing red light goes off. Followed by Umi's hissing white tabby cat form and Uncle All Might shaking his head as Uncle Aziawa sighs loudly while cursing under his breath about another year of problem children and villains. 

"To the bunker!" Uncle All Might shouts & pushes a button on the wall that opens a hidden door behind a bookshelf that leads to a set of stairs into the ground.

"Where was this when we needed it!" Mom shouts. 

"Huh?" The extras shout confusion on their faces.

"Not here. Now get in." Uncle Aziawa responds in a board tone, inching his way to the door. 

"I'm going to check it out! Keep the students safe!" Mom calls as he races out the window and up to the roof. 

"So not fair. I wanted to go too." An extra mumbles stomping down the stairs. 

Oi! Let's help mom! Kam shouts through the link jumping out the window.

Why not. Beats the fucking bunker I guess. I respond jumping out the window.

I'm only going so mom can't say I didn't try to stop you idiots. Umi sighs following us. 

"Bakugous! Get back here!" Uncle Aziawa shouts. 

"Nope! Be back soon!" We call using our tails and bodies to fly through the air; jumping from one wall to the next till we reach the roof. Then we follow mom's scent around the building and past other buildings. Eventually we hear mom's roar and shouting followed by screams of pain and crys of relief. 

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