Author Note

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Hello lovelies,

As of right now I'm unsure how to continue this story. The pervious chapter is the final completed one in my Google document for this story. I will continue to attempt to finish this story the best I can. However, that means my updates will be much slower and may stop for a time while I work to come up with a way to continue with this.

If anyone has any ideas for villains, fights, anything really, I'm more than happy and willing to add them into this fanfic as I'm currently lacking in both ideas and motivation. I have other stories I'm currently working on and may end up putting this one on hold for a time while I work on the others.

I hope everyone understands and enjoys my other stories during this hopefully short break for The Cursed Siblings.

Thank you all for the amazing support and love you've shown me, my stories and most of all eachother throughout this difficult time for us all.

Stay tuned for more.

Thank you!

Go beyond, Plus Ultra!

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