Im done

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I was curled up in my sleeping bag taking a nap while the problem children talked in code, yes I know it was code. No I don't know what it was about, my guess, my original problem children, now top heroes.

My phone went off and the room's emergency alarm started going off causing everyone in my class to immediately stop what they were doing and stare at me for directions. Ugh, teaching, where are their leaders? Oh right, with Chiyo.

"Alright problem children, the r-principal has given us the task of locating, identifying, and capturing a mysterious caller. We also have the additional task of guarding the school along with the other hero courses. Any questions?"

"How long ago was this call? What was said? How long do we have to find them?" One of my chi-students called out.

"Nezu will be in shortly to explain those specifics. Any other questions?"

"What section of the school is ours?"

"All of the first and second year classes and the first and second year dorms. The first year section you will be accompanied by first year hero students who have yet to receive their provisional license, for them this is an exercise, you and third years will treat this as an active villain case. Act accordingly, do not freak out, the first years."

"Understood!" The class responds as one.

"Wonderful, it appears I am right on time. The call I received was 0.42 seconds before I activated the emergency alarm system. The conversation lasted 1.02 minutes in which time I was told, by an unidentified voice, that 'they will all die, shortly. Stay alert.' After which I was rudely hung up on. We do not know who 'they' are in this situation so it is your job as the first class of pros to figure it out as discreetly as possible. Now then, any questions?" The rat satan, Nezu, told my students after appearing from my scarf, how and when he got there; I have no idea, I stopped questioning it after the first month of being here. Is that...tea? It is! How? No fair! Ugh. I'm done.

"Which first years will we be paired with? How many per us will there be? What are their quirks?" One of the group's strategies asks.

"The groups will be randomized. I will provide you with a list of all of the first year hero course students' names and quirks. It will be one to two of your group for four to five first years. Maybe less. Good luck. The list is on Aizawa's desk. You have one hour to select patrol groups and begin decoding the phone call." The Rat Satan tells my ch-students before disappearing. With that they got to work. Splitting off into groups for planning and then further split off after twenty minutes into groups of two each with a list of four to five names, while the remaining ten minus the three currently with Chiyo, began work on the phone call assignment.

With them working, I decided to return to my sleeping bag for a much needed nap. Just as I was closing my eyes one of the group's Shadows left the room, presumably to inform their leaders.

The Cursed Siblings Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum