The Feels P2

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This job never gets easier. The young ones always get me. Glancing at my list I notice my next client is a teenaged boy, the location says New York Chinatown hotel rooftop. Suicide. These ones I try to stop. If they can be removed from my list without affecting the whole universe, I do whatever I can to still be a hero. My boss is more lenient with us about suicides. So I make my portal appear next to the rooftop stairs exit of my next client. 

When I exit the portal I see the boy sitting on the edge of the rooftop, his shoes and backpack lay against the edge of the roof a note taped to the bag. 

"Jacob, I'm Jeff. Let's talk" I tell the boy slowly, stepping out of the shadows. The boy seemed startled at my sudden appearance but said nothing. I cautiously walked over to him and sat next to him, my feet dangling off the edge, much like the boys. 

"Go away." He tells me in the most defeated voice I've ever heard. 

"Look man, I know what you're going to do and as the guy sent here to collect your soul after you, ya know, Kaplooy. I'd really rather not collect your soul if I can help it. So tell me, what has you up here ready to, Kaplooy?" I ask Jacob. 

He looks at me oddly before breaking out in a fit of laughter. His eyes still devoid of emotion but its progress.

"Kaplooy?! Really? Some grim reaper you are." 

"Hey! I'm just Jeff. Grim is my kat." I snicker at my own joke, Kat's angry face filling my mind. The kid looks at me oddly as his laughter subsides.

"Okay Jeff, let's get things straight, I an't talking to no one. Cuz nothing's wrong."

"Alright kid. Just know there's a place for everyone in this world. I found my place among friends in Japan at UA High. Maybe there's a spot for you there too." I tell him.

"Wait, you're that hero! The one that died!" 

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I'm Jeff this time. Jeff the Soul Collector. You my friend have a very important date tomorrow at UA high. So don't miss it." I tell the boy and I watch his eyes light up at the mention of the famous hero school. 

"Really?! How!" He shouts jumping off the ledge and back onto the rooftop. 

"I have my ways. Now would you like me to take you to a safe place for the night or leave you here?" I ask Jacob whose hazel eyes seem to sparkle in the moonlight.

"I can leave this place?" He asks

"Yes, I will leave you with some heroes I know, well knew. Anyway, you'll be safe with them. Just don't tell them you saw me. They can't know I'm..Jeff." I tell him opening a portal to the Caterpillar's mansion. 

"I'm in!" The boy cheers. 

"Good. Oh you have a paper & pen?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" The boy asks rummaging in his bag for the items I requested. 

"You'll see." He hands me the items with a confused look as I crouch on the roof and scribble a quick note to my old homeroom teacher. I fold the note up and hand it & the pen back to Jacob. 

"Give that to the sleep deprived, hobo looking man. He'll help you. Oh & give me the other note & anything you can harm yourself with. Please and thank you." The boy looks at me oddly once more and hands over his bag, jacket, and a few razor blades from his pockets. Clutching my note to his chest. 

"Ok! I'm ready!" He smiles shyly up at me. 

"Sweet! Let's go!" I led Jacob through the portal and onto the porch of the yellow Caterpillar, as Kat called him. I rang the doorbell and hid behind a shrub so I could watch the scene unfold.

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