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It's been two months of teaching my children and their classmates along with my old mentor All Might. A few weeks after the incident with Toya, All Might passed away, and with him the quirk he offered me a long time ago. The quirk I rejected for my own reasons. With All For One defeated, I didn't see a need for the continued passage of One for All. The funeral was grand and broadcast world wide, I gave his eulogy and a few words as the new symbol of peace. All of Japan was sent into a state of mourning for a week, so my classes and the rest of UA's staff's classes were shortened to half days during the time, of course the students could choose to attend the shorter classes or not. To my surprise the majority of 1-A attended classes, even my children came. It was a hard week for me, but I managed. 

I got a call today asking Kacchan and I to go to the hero commission for a mission, one that would keep us from home for a month or two. I had attempted to refuse the mission, but I wasn't able to on account of the commission saying it was my duty as the symbol of peace to do this top secret mission. With Kacchan being Kacchan, he wouldn't let me go on my own. So after a long day of teaching I gave the triplets a hug and a kiss on the cheek each before I left the school, I did tell them we'd be home by dinner, at least I hoped that was the case. 

The moment Kacchan and I walked into the large imposing building that held every hero captive, everything stopped. It was eerily silent, with my cat ears I could hear the smallest of breaths being taken, and the heartbeat of those around us. The silence was broken by the coughing of a woman in a pinsole skirt and business blouse. 

Kacchan, something is strange. I tell him through the link.

No shit. Let's get this over with and get home. I'm starving. Was his gruff response. With a nod of my head we followed the woman through the building and to the main office where the boss hands out missions to every hero agency in Japan. 

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