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I heard a noise in the room I shared with my siblings. Being a light sleeper has its perks at times. As quietly as I could I rolled over towards the sound. And watched the dark room for movement. When I saw a figure move towards my sleeping sister I was ready to jump it. Only the figure whispered something I couldn't hear as it pulled her fallen blankets back over her slumbering form. The figure moved to my brother next repeating the action. Then finally they made their way to me. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. The figure seems to have bought it. Pulled my covers up too, covering me. And in a voice barely above a whisper it spoke, "I love you Narishi, we both do. I'm sorry we couldn't raise you three."

With that the figure, who gave an aura of warmth and love, disappeared from the room. I stayed awake that night unsure who or what the figure was and wanted from us. My mind races through the different possibilities. As the sun was rising a name and a scent I only remembered as a child came to mind, "father?" I whispered into the early morning light. 

With that lingering thought I rolled over and attempted to sleep for a few more hours before our alarm clocks blared for us to get ready. 

"Ishi! Narishi! Get up!" My twin sister, Shimira, shouts, shaking me.

"Five more minutes Mira." I grumble, pulling my covers closer and enjoying the warmth.

"Suke! Help me." She demands of our older brother, her voice doing that thing she does right before she gets in trouble for something stupid and funny. Unless you're her target then it's not funny.

"No. I'm not a part of this." Kosuke responds.

"Ugh, fine." She sighs, loudly, before stomping off somewhere. 

"Bro, you have like two seconds before she comes back with glitter and water. She had that look again." My brother informs me from across the room.

"Ugh! Fine." I grumble, throwing my blankets off and sitting up. After slipping on my blue hippopotamus fuzzy slippers I lazily make my way towards my closet and pull out my school uniform. Grumbling to myself I strip and get my clothes on, not bothering to shower since I took one the night before. 

"Waky, waky!" Mira calls, in her creepy sing song, I'm planning something, voice.

"Eek!" Kosuke and I squeak and race to our closets, to hide from the impending, glitter storm that is our sister. The door to our room squeaks open, followed by the sound of feet smaking ever so slightly against hardwood floors. 

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." She coos, dangerously close to my hiding place. 

"I found you!" She shouts, yanking my closet open and revealing my face to her. She proceeds to dump glitter on me. Which ends up on both of us since it is now a fight to be less glittery as I struggle to get the large jar of fine glitter from her. 

"Problem children!" Our Dad's voice booms deathly cold throughout the house. 

"Shit! Did you mix up the hair products again!" I yell at my sister. 

"No? Maybe?" She questions freezing with the now empty jar of glitter above our heads. Effectively coating us and our room in glitter. 

"Shota! What happened!" Papa's amplified voice shrieks through the house with a hidden laughter. 

"You mixed them up again." I sigh, getting up and shaking off some of the glitter before heading downstairs to our awaiting punishment as my two siblings follow behind me.

"Oi! What's with-" Kai's words are cut off by his laughter as he spots our Dad with neon green hair and glitterfied clothes and scarf. 

"Explain." He sighs as Suke, Kai, Eri and Papa continue to laugh, while Mira and I repress our giggles to some degree.

"We mixed up the shampoos again." We answer as one. Now adding our giggles into the mix.

With a sigh and a head shake, dad tiredly grumbles something about needing more coffee before heading into the kitchen.

"Little listeners, what happened?" Papa questions us, now repressing his laughter. 

"Oh, the glitter?" Mira responds.

"I wouldn't wake up. Not sure how Dad got glitterfied tho." I add. 

"That was me. It was actually supposed to be for Papa but, Dad works too." Kai supplies.

"That's our thing!" Mira and I shout as one, giving our brother a glare that quickly turns into sepisson and curiosity as we have been trying and failing to glitterfy Dad for weeks. 

"For the love of coffee! Problem children!" Dad shouts from the kitchen. 

"Not us!" My sister and I call as we all cautiously ventured into the kitchen that has somehow been glitter bombed. 

Dad raised his eyebrows and activated his quirk making his eyes go red and his scarf and hair float dangerously around him. 

"It wasn't us!" We shriek and run behind Papa, who is laughing as he tries to calm Dad down. Our Older sister Eri, suppressing her laughter and guilt at the situation.

A few minutes later and 4 large metal  thermoses filled with black coffee later the kitchen is somewhat un-glittered and Dad's clammed down enough to shoo us out the door and to the car. 

"My chai!" Papa and Mira shout as one running back into the kitchen to make their morning drinks. After a few minutes in the car listening to some techno song, Papa and Mira returned, their matching pink thermoses in hand. Only difference between the two is that Papa's has a yellow music note on its side while Mira's has some computer code that Mira swears spelled her name in gold. 

"Let's go!" We all shout, or mumble in Dad's case as Papa pulls out of the driveway and towards school. 

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