What the Fuck is happening!?

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My body is on fire. Heat engulfs me and I can't move a muscle. Shit! 

"Mom!" I yell from my room, hoping my brother doesn't wake up. 

"What's that smell?" Kazue asks sleepily. He looks around the room, his eyes landing on me.

"Shit! Mom!" Kazue yells and bolts out the door, closing it tightly behind him. 

"Where's the fire!" I hear mom yell as he races towards the bedroom. A wave of pain violently over takes me and I whimper and cry out. Not sure what's happening to me. 

"Shit! Katsuki!" Mom yells for Dad.

"What!" Dad shouts back, making me whimper at the power. More heat and pain consume me. 

"Shit! fuck! I thought they were all Alphas! Fuck!" 

"Apparently not! Take the other two to your mom's. Then run to the store and grab my prescription for now and a new collar. Hurry!" 

"Right! Brats were leaving!" 

"But dad, it's midnight." 

"Now!" Dad's power filled voice washes over me in a painful wave of heat and stress. I whimper and curl myself into a ball. 

Shuffling of feet and slamming of doors soon follow. Then I smell mom's amazingly calming Lavender scent. My body relaxes slightly at his presence.

"Izumi, honey. Everything will be okay." Mom tells me in his softest voice as my bed dips and mom starts stroking my curled form in his comforting, motherly way. Soon mom starts singing a song he's only sung for those scared children he and dad rescue. A song of mom's creation with dads rhythm from a time before us. Mom called it The Dancing Tiger. The song is amazingly soothing mixed with mom's lavender scent and warm touch, it helps to soothe the painful burning sensation deep within my core. 

Need Alpha. The words drift into my mind with so much desire and need that another painful wave of heat curses through me. I whimper and wrap my tail around mom's needing to hold something familiar in this unfamiliar time. 

"What's...happening...to...me?" I breath out through the pain.

"Congratulations, you're an omega." Mom tells me a small sad smile on his face as he watches me and aids me the best he can. 

"I'm omega?" I ask not really believing mom, but also knowing that some of what he tells me holds true. 

"Yes, Izumi. This, is your first of many heats to come." Mom tells me his voice and eyes filled with an emotion I can't place. 

"Why are you sad, mom?" I ask, my heat calming for a few moments.

"Because dear, I hoped I was the only omega in our family. When your heat is over I have to explain a few things to you. For now sleep." Mom says, returning to his soothing song. And sleep claims me.

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