RG saves the day!

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Recovery Girl

I was enjoying a lovely cup of tea in my office when a pair of students barged in holding the bleeding number one and two heroes.

"Oh my. Hurry and put them on the beds."

I get curt nods in response followed by the students following my instructions. After shooing the Alpha siblings out of my office, I got to work.

"Hang in there you two." I whisper to the unconscious duo.

Three hours into patching them up another patient is brought in by other students.

"On the bed. Then out."

Silence is the response, followed soon after by the crinkle of sheets and the door closing.

"Deary, can you hold on a bit? I'm almost finished."

"Y-yeah. H-hopefully." The student's heavy and pained voice responds.

I chanced a glance at the boy on the bed and nearly lost focus on my current task.

"How'd that happen?" I ask continuing to work on the heroes as I keep an eye on the student with the stick in his side.

"Concrete and Woods. N-not the best thing." He wheezes.

"Wh-where f-fine. S-save him." Izuku's soft voice stutters.

"Soon." I respond, quickly finishing the bandaging of both heroes. The second I finished I went to work on Izumi Bakugo, the omega student, that's taken after his mother in the constant injury department.

The sun was setting when I finally finished patching up Izumi. Thankfully the stick missed his heart by three centimeters. Removing the thing was a long and difficult procedure, but I managed. With all three stable and resting I can return to my tea. Their bodies are too weak and tired for me to heal them with my quirk, for now.

The Cursed Siblings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora