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"Oi! Did we forget something?" Dad suddenly shouts glancing around the livingroom. 

"Nope." I smirk to myself leading the kids upstairs and into a guest room. 

"This is your room now. There are some clothes in the dresser, although I'm not sure if they'll fit you. Oh one second." 

"Mom! Where are our baby clothes!" I shout out the door. 

"Attic, gray tote!" Mom calls back sounding tired.


"Go to fucking sleep!" Dad yells after a few minutes.

I go up to the attic and find the tote under boxes of other shit and hidden behind a random shelf. Opening the tote I dig through it until I find some of Me-me's old clothes from when she was about five or six, she was a tall girl so they should fit. I set aside the close and dig through the bin until I find some of Zue's clothes from around the same time, he was bigger than me. I set those aside and put the tote back. Scooping up the clothes I take them to the guest room. 

I knock on the door and when the boy opens it I hand him the clothes. "Here. These should fit a little better, although I'm not sure if Zue's will fit you right. They might be a little big. It should be fine tho. We can take you guys shopping tomorrow if you want. Do you need anything? Drinks? Food? Movies? A shower? I can show you the bathroom, if you want. It's-" 

"Th-thank you." The boy's quiet voice interrupts my ramblings. 

"Y-your welcome. The bathroom is down the hall and to the right. If you need anything my room is the one with the blue door. I'm Izumi, I don't remember if I told you that. My siblings are- holly shit! I'll be right back!" I yell suddenly remembering my siblings in the car. Glancing at the clock as I grab the keys it reads 2:30 am. Why is he still up so late? Did they sleep enough in the car? I don't think so..what was I doing? 

I feel a strange weight in my hands and see that I'm holding the car keys. "Fuck!" I whisper-shout and race out the door. The cool night air whips my face and I shiver. "Fucking cold." I gumble and walk briskly to the car. I peek in the window and stare at my sleeping siblings huddled on the middle row with old beat up baby blankets and small pillows covering their large teenaged frams. I giggle to myself as I rush back into the house to grab my phone and snap a picture of them before I unlock the car and wake them up. It took me a long time to wake them up. When I finally did I was bombarded with empty threats and fuck yous. As they stormed into the house and up to their rooms. I locked the car once again and headed back inside the house, and up to my room. Telling the boy, still standing in the doorway of the guestroom good night. 

"N-night Izumi." His soft voice responds as he closes the door, a small smile on his worn face. Leaving my light off I climb into bed and let my own tired body sleep.

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