Shenanigans at RG's tent

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While I was dealing with the giant ass robot fucker my idiot brothers were arguing over some dude. 

“Oi! Idiots! Let’s go! The fucking test is over.” I tell them as I spot Umi with some redheaded chick that smells amazing and suspiciously like Uncle Shoto and Auntie Yuri.

“Hey, Me-me. I’ll be right there. Zuzu is at Recovery Girl’s tent with some guy. His Alpha is on the fritz again.” Umi warns me as he returns to his conversation with the beautiful long haired girl. 

“Kay.” I tear my gaze away from the girl and make my way to my brother and the mystery guy.

“BAKUGOU! ENOUGH! She just wants to fix him.” Uncle Aziawa shouts at my dofus of a brother. 

“Oi! Kazue! Knock it off or I’ll get mom!” I yell at him over his cat like growl, adding mine to the mix. Everyone’s attention instantly goes to me. 

“Another Bakougu! How many of you are here?” Uncle Aziawa shakes his head and sighs. 

“All of us, Uncle. Mom and Dad wanted us to prove ourselves & enjoy the experience.” I respond with a shrug, walking to my brother and whacking him upside the head like I’ve seen mom do with dad a million times. Only my whacking added to his fuckery. 

“Oi! Omega, whack him like I just did.” I tell the yellow and red tipped haired omega protectively embraced by the dufus. 

“Dude! I have a name!” He shouted, which only added to the dufus’ pissed Alpha.

“Not the fucking time! Just do it before I have to fight my brother.” I tell him, fighting with myself for control.

“Fine.” The omega sighed and whacked him upside the head, sending what looks like yellow and red electricity through his hand. Interesting. 

“Fucking hell!” Dufus blinked and rubbed his head.

“Welcome back, Ass.” 

“Idiot.” He grumbles back as thanks. 

“Will somebody tell me who you are and what the fuck that was!” The omega suddenly shrieks.

“Did you two idiots start a fight or something? It smells in here.” Umi says, behind me. 

“No!” we say as one.

“And there's the last Problem Child. I’ll be in my office if you need me. Please don’t need me.”  Uncle Aziawa, sighs loudly as he walks off shaking his head in disbelief. 

“Child, Let me see the Omega or I’ll have to sedate you and look at him anyway.” Recovery Girl tells dufus. 

“Really Zuzu, you left twenty minutes ago with him and he still hasn’t been seen. What the fuck were you doing?” Umi roared at him, which made the omega whimper. 

“Shit! Sorry, force of habit with my siblings.” he apologized to the Omega.

“It’s all good man. Um, who are you three?” he asked us a look of confusion on his face. 

Umi glared at us before he spoke to the Omega. “I’m Izumi Bakugou, the idiot holding you is my brother Kazue and the one looking like a fucking statue is my sister Kamaira. Call us by our first names or whatever you want. Oh we’re triplets!” he explained pointing to us as he introduced us. 

"Nice! I'm Kosuke Kamishra! Nice to meet you." The omega says rather cheery bowing his head slightly in greeting. 

"Oi! It's getting late! We still have to figure out dinner." Umi reminds us, shoving me out of the tent a few minutes later. 

"Not going!" I hear Kazue yell from inside the tent.

"fucking put Kosuke down before I make you!" Umi roars. Before I hear the ripping of clothes and a loud crash from inside the tent followed by growls. 

"Oi! Idiots! Home! Now!" I yell drawing strength from my inner Alpha. I watch & wait for my idiot brothers to back down and soon enough Kazue makes dad's signature tch sound and turns his head away from Umi.

"Some Alpha you are." I grumble at Kazue. 

"Oi! Say that again!" 

"Your no Alpha!" I shouted, daring him to respond. Umi's roar followed by Kazue's protests stopped us from fighting. 

"Izumi? Why the fuck you White when moms fucking green and dads blond?" I ask the white tiger currently carrying a cursing Kazue as if he was a cub in the jaws of his mother. He stops and stares at me with mom's famous Green eyes which stand out against his white tiger fur. He looks as if he's saying, 'I dont fucking know. No one fucking knows. Let's just go home.' 

"Right. Let's go home!" I call running through the streets as I navigate my way home, Umi and Kazue, now silent and pouting with his arms over his chest, still being carried by Umi home. 

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