We did a thing

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Last year passed in a blur, the vacation too. Two weeks into the vacation my siblings and I had convinced our classmates and mates to follow us into the world of vigilantes. Our hero training had been stepped up with our parents gone and us now being second years, Uncle Aziawa had taken over with the aid of Uncle Nezu; something we dreaded since they had us teaching the majority of our combat training. As part of that training, we got Uncle Nezu to grant us permission for late night training in the city, which usually ended up with us saving a few people throughout the night.

We had taken to leaving stickers or drawings of some kind on the villains we took down. The media started calling us the Doodlers. A name my Alpha siblings and many other Alphas in the class adamantly refused to acknowledge. Eventually they had to get used to it since the doodles and stickers continued, no matter how much they protested and attempted to rename us through the doodles and sticker letters we left on the villains.

After class we headed to lunch, our class has become a bit of a celebrity in our school, since our parents vanished and all of us took the top spots in the sports festival last year. We have become both loved and hated throughout the school, so we have taken to sticking together as a class, united against everything. From the looks the rest of the school has given us, I'd say our vibe has changed. What used to be a class that was constantly at war over the stupidest shit is now a unit, we've been working as a team even before Nezu gave us the okay to train in the city. It just took a lot more work back then to get everyone on the same page. Work, and many bear deaths, that has formed us into a team that gives no fucks, kicks ass and takes names.

"Whose joining us tonight?" Me-me asks our classmates once we're seated at our lunch table by the back window, closest to an exit with a view of the whole cafeteria.

"We will." A pair of blond twins pops up from nowhere between my siblings and I, making our mates press themselves closer to us, in my case, growling possessively as I'm placed on his lap.

"We mean no harm. I'm Shimira, and that's my twin brother Narishi. We're 2-F support class students." The twin with waist length hair done up in a fishtail braided bun introduces.

"We don't need extras slowing us down?" Zue responds, giving the twins a glare that could kill.

"What my brother means is, Why and how did you hear of us?" I translate.

"Oh, I guess we forgot to mention, we're Aziawa's kids. Dad keeps going on and on about his class of problem children." Shimira speaks.

"We want to join you since our parents have started forcing us to learn how to fight. Ugh! We chose support just so we wouldn't have to. But nooo, stupid missing heros. Making us have to do more work." The boy, Narishi, rants.

"Oi! Watch it! That's our parents you're talking about!" Me-me and Zue hiss, glaring at the twins.

"He meant no harm, So when do we leave?" Shimira responds, as she elbows her brother.

So what do you think? Should we let them join? I mind linked my siblings.

What can a pair of support extras do that we can't? Zue grumbles.

Make gear? Me-me responds.

That's my job!

Ask them.

Like I give a shit. Zue grumbles.

"How are you with support gear?" I question, eyeing the twins.

"We glitter bombed our dads last year. Our teacher is Hatsume Mei. So pretty good." The twins say as one, giving us Cheshire grins.

"You're the ones that did that?!" Our table shouts as one. Remembering the day Aziawa came into class with a glittered sleeping bag and refused to leave it for the whole day. Until Zue accidentally blew it up with an oversized tail explosion during hero training. It was hilarious to see the thing explode with so much glitter, revealing our teacher drenched in multicolored fine glitter. It was, then he made us run laps and nearly strangled Zue for the whole sleeping bag exploding thing, while chasing us.


"Please, not again. We can't." The class begs the twins.

"Don't worry. It was actually supposed to be papa Mic that got glittered. But then it just kinda turned into everyone. Besides glitter's so last year." They tell us, both wearing matching smirks. Ones that are just brimming with mischief.

"Oh no." Everyone mutters, our hearts dropping into our stomachs, at the thought of an even more irritated Dadzawa.

"It'll be fine, just don't explode or light fire near dad and everything will be fine." Narishi tells us his sister is now absorbed into a sketch or blueprint of some kind.

"Anyway, can we join you?"

"Sure, bring some fun nonlethal prototypes. Wear something black too." I answer after a nod from my siblings.

"Sweet! What time and we're?"

"Our dorms, an hour after curfew."

"You extras, late or caught your asses stay." Zue grumbles.

"Got it! See you tonight." They say, waving as they leave.

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