Shit Happened... again

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Jeff the Soul Collector

Now I know what you're thinking, 'Why are they at the park?' Well I have no idea either. My best guess is to blow off steam before UA High starts. Usually right after the Exams classes start, but this year Principal Nezu aka Rat wanted to add extra security in preparation for the incoming students. His aim is to bring back the image of UA being safe after my classes' many villain encounters in our first two years of UA. Ok, so our whole time at UA was mostly villain attacks or kidnappings or Royal Alpha's on a rampage. For the sake of my family I hope they have a nice boring Normal high school experience. Knowing the Bakugou's like I do, trouble always finds them and anyone around them. I suppose we should watch this outing play out. Things are about to get interesting.


"Guys! Wait up! I can't run that fast! Shit! Fuck!" I yell after my siblings as I take a breather on a bench. Watching them run towards the most horrific roller coaster I've seen in the whole three hours we've been here. The thing is made of wood and has a million missing boards and things. It doesn't even look safe. What the fuck!

"Oi! Mumbles! Get ya' ass over here! We're next!" Zue shouts from the front of the line.

"I'm coming! Hold your fucking horses!" I respond standing up and walking towards my siblings only to run into a man wearing a big red nose and rainbow wig. Why!

"I'm sorry sir." I bow in an anxious apology and pick up my pace making it to my siblings with a strange ominous feeling looming over me.

"Guys, we should find Aunties and leave. Something's off."

"Umi, everything's fine." Me-me reassures me glancing around. I can feel Zue besides me tense and also start scanning the crowd for threats.

"There!" Me-me shouts pointing towards the roof of the Haunted Mansion. Standing on top of it is the clown from earlier, his wig and big red nose thrown to the ground. Leaving him in only the creepy multicolored clown makeup and strange clothing with huge red clown shoes.

"Of course it's a fucking clown! Why couldn't it have been a fucking pirate!?" Zue shouts visibly shaking as he remembers our horrible clown encounter when we were four.

"Guys! Villain giving a speech here!" Me-me snaps us back to reality and the clowns speal about bratty children and horrible pay and some other shit. Before he spread his arms and legs wide as if he was a bird and released a strange bluish-gray-green thick smog. We watched in tense silence as the smog reached those exiting the Haunted Mansion. Their fritanted faces morfed into an ungodly smile and sicking laughter broke out from their mouths.

"Shit! Laughing gas quirk! Don't breath in!" I shouted over the sicking laughter, leaping onto the nearest tall thing I could get to, which happened to be the horrible wooden coaster. Fuck!

"What now? Auntie said no quirks." Me-me mind links us.

"No idea."

"Fuck this! Let's blow his ass up!" Zue shouts through the link igniting his tail.

-for those of you confused, it's a Royal/special siblings thing. I'm not sure myself. Just go with it. Okay back to the fighting!

"No!" Me-me and I shouted as one as Zue's tail ignited the smog sending us and the many cackling civilians into the air and destroying half the park.

"You idiot! Auntie said no destroying the fucking park!" I yelled at my idiot brother through the link, as I gathered civilians up and cushioned their fall with my tiger form.

"Well at least I did something!" I heard Zue shout back. Glancing around I noticed my siblings were also breaking the falls of the civilians all while bickering with each other.

The Cursed Siblings Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora