Traitor p1

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What the fudge was that!

Fucking trigger happy killed the guy!

I know that! Why?

Beats me, nerd.

Now what? That was our best lead. The other guy's out cold, probably dead too.

"Sorry about that. I've been tracking him and his crew for a while now. He pulled out a gun last minute." Snipe informs us.

Not likely. I had that fucker cornered. He had nothing on his pussy ass. Kacchan supplies through the link.

Play along. I instruct my mate and husband.

"Oh, thank you for saving us Snipe-san." I bow and grab Kacchan's hand. We head towards the unconscious villain leaning against the cement column; Kacchan's Alpha flung the poor man.

"No need for that. I'll handle it. Thanks for the assistance." Snipe strangely informs us.

"Very well. We'll leave now. Thanks again!" I call giving my signature smile as I drag a fuming Kacchan out of the warehouse he led us to.

"That sucked!" I shouted in frustration, once we were a good two kilometers away from the abandoned warehouse and Snipe.

A grunt in agreement was all I got from Kacchan. As we walked through the darker side of Tokyo. Our trip to the prison not far from us, was postponed for a time. No one told us why or how long but made it clear we were to remain in Tokyo until we could visit the Prisoner formerly known as the villain Kurogiri, the transportation for the League of Villains. Kurogiri managed to evade capture for two years before he turned himself in. No one knew why he did, none asked. Until now. From some of the questions written on one of the many pages the Hero Commission gave us for this mission. We are to uncover why he turned himself in and turn him to outside for a future mission. Along with a few other questions regarding his whereabouts during his 2 years of hiding and some very vague words they wanted us to read out. Which Kacchan and I have been attempting to figure out the meanings to.

"Oi! Nerd! You're rambling again." Kacchan tells me, stopping my inner monolog.

"Sorry Kacchan." I respond, scratching the back of my neck as I listen to our surroundings.

Someone's coming. I tell Kacchan, my sensitive ears picking up the sound of many heavy boots pounding against the pavement behind and around us.


Everywhere. Be ready.

A nod from Kacchan and a side hug with a whispered "I love you nerd." Is his reply right before a few dozen villains surround us.

Kacchan lets out a warning growl as he turns around, reluctantly releasing me from his grasp to place his back to mine.

"Now, now. No need to fight." A familiar female voice calls above the eerily silent alleyway we found ourselves in.

"Who are you!" I shout, mine and Kacchan's bodies already prepared to fight and die for each other and our kid's future.

"Deku, Bakugou, it's been ages. How have things been? Are the kids doing well?"

"Who the fuck are you!" Kacchan shouts, a menacing growl leaving him as my own joins him in the defense of our family.

"Right. You were always the over protective type." The familiar voice responds, coming closer.

"Deku, did you ever figure out how the League got ahold of so much information during our time at UA?" The voice questions.

"There was a spy in our midst. Who it was I never could figure out. I narrowed it down to Todoroki, Tokoyami, Kami, Menta, Tsu, and Ocho. Although the most plausible would have been either Todoroki or Tokoyami since they were the most secretive about their life and would always disappear for no reason at random times. Ocha too whom I only suspected of being the spy because of her over friendly and noisy behavior. What does this have to do with anything?" I asked after Kacchan gently elbowed me to bring me out of my mumbling.

"You really are the sharpest one out of all of us, Deku. It's a shame you didn't voice your concerns sooner." The voice responds, a body dropping out of the sky and landing right in front of us, revealing my best friend, Ochako. Dressed in a black and pink skin tight costume with a space helmet and fingerless gloves standing before us with a sad look.

"Why Ochako?" I asked.

"I had no choice. My family wasn't doing well, they took out some money from the League. I had to work it off. And now, I just like it better." She responds, her face morphing from sadness, regret, and longing to one of malice and revenge.

"Deku, I liked you from the first day we met at the entrance exams. But you just had to go and choose that dumbass, hotthead Alpha over me! I lost my mate, Tsu, two days ago, your Alpha let a building crush her! She's gone! Now, I'll take what I want!" She screams, tears running down her face.

Did you really? I asked Kacchan.

No. The frog was with me during that attack. She pulled some extras from the downed building. She was fine afterwards. Left her to deal with the fucking cameras. My mate tells me. His emotions showing honesty and confusion as he tells me the events of the last mission he and our frog like classmate, now colleague went on.

"Get them!" Ochako shouts at the black combat geared villains around her. At once they charged at us.

Kacchan and I did our best to take down as many of them as we could. The sun was setting by the time we had nearly cleared out the villains. We were nearing our limits as reinforcements arrived and a pinkish gray mist flooded the alleyway. Our appoints dawning gas masks before diving back into the fray.

Don't breathe it in. Hold onto something. I ordered my mate as I spun my tail in a circle, like a fan blade to blow the gas away.

Careful Nerd.

"Oh no you don't! Nomu!" She shouts a familiar giant of a monster creature appearing before me and absorbing the blow.

"What the fuck!" Kacchan shouts glaring daggers at our ex-friend. Nomu took the place of the dozen villains I was fighting.

"How?" I question dodging a punch from the monster that's now separated Kacchan and I.

"You didn't think the ones you destroyed were the last batch. Did you? This one is a better model. The best ones, the boss kept even more hidden. I found where. Now I control all of them! Thousands of Nomu fit to destroy the world at my control! Isn't it wonderful, Deku?" She coos evilly ordering the beast to kill.

I attempted to dodge another blow from the beast but my moves grew slower the more I breathed in the strange gas. Kacchan's Alpha reacting as it did during our time with Eri after we got lost, only this time he was moving much slower. As if the gas was affecting his Alpha in a different way.

Kacchan! Hang in there! I shouted through our link as Nomu slammed me against a wall and charged for Kacchan, ignoring me as my vision was turning black.

I love you nerd. Kacchan's voice rang through my hazed mind in a whisper. With those words my vision and body finally succumbed to the gas that's been steadily flowing around us.

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