Traitor p2

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I'm watching from above as my best friends are being held captive by the noisiest one of our classmates. Her words about Tsu intriguing me. I make my client list appear in my hand and scan it for her name. At the very bottom of my list I find her name fading into the yellow parchment. The once dark black ink is now graying and vanishing. A brush with death. Boss must have decided she wasn't done on earth yet. I think to myself as I'm pulled from my thoughts by Ochako's creepy mocking voice.

"The heroes finally decided to wake up." She sing-songs slowly walking towards my two friends. Boss forbid me from getting involved so I'm forced to watch as it all unfolds before me.

"What the fuck round face!" Kat shouts attempting to wiggle free of his restraints and the drugs he was injected with.

"I almost forgot you were here, bakugo. No matter. I have business with Deku-ku."

"How could you Ocha? We trusted you. It was you, wasn't it. The one that told the commission about us and everyone who knew what we were. You got them killed? Didn't you?" Izu asks, tears glistening in his emerald orbs. His voice holding sadness, fury, and many other emotions I couldn't pinpoint.

"Shut up! Shut up! I'm asking questions! Not you!" She shakes her head, voice filling with rage and possibly regret.

"Ask away, Ocha. We're friends after all." Izu smelled his awe inspiring smile at her as his tears slowly fell, silently.

"What the fuck deku! She's a villian!"

"Kacchan, it's our fault. She turned out this way. It must have started as some debt but when you rampaged it turned into something else. Right ocha?" He asked, his voice calm and collected, the tears still falling.

"Yes! It's all your fault! Everything! If you left me to die by that stupid robot none of this would have happened! I'd be dead and my debt done with! But no! Your dumbass had to go and save me! Oh shut up Katsuski!" She shouted at Kat who had growled at the comment towards his omega.

"Ocha, I'm sorry. I couldn't leave you like that. What kind of hero would I be if I left someone in need?"

"A normal one! Tsu would be alive right now if I wasn't like this! Why!" She sobbed angry and sad tears falling from her face.

"Ocha, is she really gone or were you lied to?" Izu asks, his smile still present only stained by the tears he shed that have stopped their flow.

"Shut up! Shut up! It's all your fault!" She shouted suddenly, gripping a knife and charging to the bound heroes.

"It won't bring her back. But if makes you feel better, kill me." Izu smiled up at her his eyes locked with Kat's as if to say, 'I love you, I'm sorry.' Before he closed his emerald eyes awaiting the impact that never came as the girl seemed to hesitate and instead slashed Izu, leaving a deep angry red line from his left shoulder to his right hip.

"Deku! You idiot!" Kat roared as he watched his mate be hurt, unable to do anything as the drug was still in his system.

I watched as Ochako kept slashing Izu until he fell limp against his chair. She then turned to Kat and began attacking him with the knife in much the same fashion she had Izu. Starting with a large, deep cut from his right shoulder to his left hip. Then she continued slashing and cutting him until she was satisfied. Only for her to drop the knife and sob on her knees between her once best friend and his boyfriend. She was clutching at her head and mumbling to herself.

I watched Ochako stand up and walk towards a cabinet marked with the red medical cross. She pulled out a first aid kit and walked towards Izu where she began fixing his wounds as best she could. Then she went to Kat and did the same. Before she dropped the supplies, picked up the knife and skipped away that villainous smile on her face.

"Well shit." I whisper to myself as I float down to my family to inspect the damage and the patch jobs.

At least she didn't hit anything major. Looks like Izuku's wounds were taken care of better than Katsuski's. I'll go redo the bandages on those. I think to myself as I pick up the discarded first aid kit and get to work patching Kat up.

"Sorry I couldn't stop her Kat, there's rules I have to follow. It really sucks. But I already got into trouble before for helping. I can't exactly get into more right now. So this is all I can do. Our kids are fine. The triplets are getting worried tho. You've been missing for three months now. I'll keep an eye on everyone and help where I can. It's the least I can do. Deku's fine. He's just unconscious." I ramble to my unresponsive brother-in-law.


"Jeff. My name is Jeff. I'm here to help. Stay strong. Help will find you both soon. Protect each other. I have to go." I interrupted Kat's words as I finished his bandages before leaving him and Izu to rest and endure what's to come next.

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