"I know, right?! Months and months of preparation and we are finally moved in! And, it's nice seeing all of the support here tonight." I cannot help but beam at Hoseok. The two of us, along with our Black Cat Tattoo crew, have put in so much blood, sweat and tears into expanding our shop.

Tonight, Yoongi and Namjoon insisted we have a celebration party, so here we are. The tattoo shop's space is gigantic enough for us to have a sizable amount of guests. Of course we limited the guest list to include only family members, significant others, and those who have been integral in helping our shop grow to this extent.

"It makes sense why there are so many people here, you guys! You have all worked so hard for this. Black Cat Tattoo is so well-known. You're all so sought-after as artists that you all deserve this celebration!" Cassie comes out of nowhere, pleasantly interrupting our conversation and I flag a smile her way. She positions herself next to me, wrapping her arm around my waist and I place my arm around her shoulder.

Cassie is right- Black Cat Tattoo sky-rocketed to the top as one of the most well-known tattoo shops. About two years ago, Yoongi tattooed David Beckham, an international celebrity and famous athlete. A week later, Namjoon tattooed Eminem, a legendary rapper. After both tattoos went viral, they were bombarded with so many people wanting to book an appointment to the point where we had to hire another receptionist, Eric, to help Dami and Sana and we had to create a waiting list since the clients were growing, exponentially.

Then, a few months after that, Britney Spears came in to the shop and Irene did a simple watercolor tattoo for her on her outer thigh. And, after Britney posted it on her Instagram, that picture blew up and Irene became sought-after for her water color tattoos. With me tattooing Justin Bieber a year ago and Hoseok tattooing Ariana Grande right after, the demand grew even more, if you can believe it!

Needless to say, we added on another artist to our team, Key, as well as another piercer, Suzy. And, because of that, we moved to a bigger building in a more thriving location still in Los Angeles.

I'm pleased and beyond grateful to say the crew is doing pretty damn well.

"Thank you for always being by Yoongi's and my side," I smile down at my girlfriend who grins back up at me. Hoseok kindly excuses himself to talk to Namjoon's sister, leaving me to have a moment with Cassie.

"Hey, I'm proud of the two of you and all the hard work you've put in these past couple of years," she tells me with pride in her voice.

"Well, it means a lot that you've been so supportive while you've been so busy with everything. You know how much Yoongi and I are proud of you, right?!" I playfully boop her nose with my index finger, making her scrunch her nose at me and she blushes.

"It's because you and Yoongi support me just as much as I support the both of you. You guys are always cheering me on and it means a lot." She speaks, still blushing.

Not only have Yoongi and I been making strides in our careers, but so has Cassie. You are now looking at the Master stylist at her salon after her mentor, Tabitha decided to step aside to focus more on working as a stylist for movies.

The three of us have been kicking ass in our industries, but, we've also been succeeding in our relationship with one another.

Like all relationships, the three of us have had our fair share of arguments, but we always find a way to resolve them, and sometimes that involves make-up sex.

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