26. Motherly Advice

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Cassie's 1st Person POV

This morning, I woke up with my back against Jeongguk's chest, with his arms wrapped around my waist. Yoongi was laying on his side, facing me. I had my arm resting on his waist. His face, with his perfect features, on his pillow, was a pleasant sight to wake up to. I laid there for a while, admiring how adorable Yoongi looks while he's in dreamland. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I could feel Jeongguk breathing on my neck as he was still in slumber. He makes these soft little whimpers when he's sleeping and I find comfort in those sounds.

It's a strange situation I'm in, but I feel beyond safe lying in this king-sized bed in between these two men.

I allowed a few more minutes of me being sandwiched between the two sleeping men before I decided to wake them up. Usually, it's a struggle to wake Yoongi up, but, after I caressed his face for a bit, his eyes flickered open. He just stared, admiringly, at me for a couple minutes as he was mentally waking up. He was able to easily get up this morning compared to the couple other times I've woken up with him recently. He pecked my lips before getting off the bed, letting me know that he was just going to head to the kitchen to make us all some coffee.

It was a little more difficult to get Jeongguk to wake up. At one point, he squeezed me tightly in his embrace and whined about how he didn't want to let go and how he just wanted to remain in bed with me. As much as I melted at those sweet words, I kept telling him that I had a lot to do today before I had to head over to their tattoo shop for my late night appointment. He was adorably against letting go of me, but he eventually surrendered. I gave his pouty lips a kiss and we both got out of bed. I got dressed in the spare clothes I brought and Yoongi insisted that Jeongguk just wear the clothes he loaned him after our session we had in the middle of the night.

After we all had our morning coffee, Yoongi dropped us off at my place since Jeongguk had left his car there. We all said goodbye and reminded each other of the appointment I had set with Jeongguk. Then, we parted ways so we could all do our own things before meeting back later.

I was able to get some much needed errands done like I normally do on a Saturday.

Now, it's 1pm and I'm parking on the street, across from where my parents' house is. They live in a nice little suburb in Burbank, the very home I grew up in. It's conveniently only a 20 minute drive from where I live.

I'm here so I can spend a little time with them and pick up my fur baby, who my parents insisted on watching. I could've had Zooey at my place while the party was going on, last night, but it was an excuse for my mom, Maggie, since she loves Zooey. Lynn, my other mom, isn't keen on having pets of their own, so Maggie treats Zooey as her own pet and spoils her rotten whenever she has a chance. I usually end up leaving their house with a new dog toy and bags of dog food.

My mothers, Maggie and Lynn, are the most supportive and open-minded parents a child can have. Maggie was the one to have carried and gave birth to me. They had adopted my older brother, Ross, first. They wanted to have another child and considered adopting again, but Maggie wanted to experience giving birth, so she and Lynn went through the process of having a child by getting a sperm donor. And, then, I was born. To say I'm grateful to call Maggie and Lynn my parents, and have Ross as my brother, is an understatement. My family means the world to me.

I know Ross had an issue with kids teasing him about our moms when we were growing up, more so than I did. I did get a lot teasing from kids, but it seemed like Ross received the brunt of it. Kids use to taunt and ridicule him a lot more, but I think that only made him grow thicker skin, figuratively speaking. He never resented our mothers, especially when all they've done was provide us with everything we needed and show us as much motherly love as they possibly could.

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