5. Second Tattoo

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Yoongi's 1st Person POV

It's currently 8:45pm. Today has been busy at the shop but Saturdays are when we have a lot of appointments, so it was expected.

Our shop is closing in fifteen minutes, but I will be staying after hours since I gave Jeongguk the go-ahead to tattoo his friend, Cassie. He's been looking forward to doing this particular tattoo so I'm all for him doing an appointment after hours. I like that he's enthusiastic about tattooing.

I'm really proud of Jeongguk's progress. When he applied as an apprentice, I had no doubts that he would be a promising tattoo artist. His art portfolio blew me away. So, I took him under my wing and had him join our shop as a paid apprentice.

The man is diligent through and through. He puts his all in everything he does when it comes to the shop. Even with the menial tasks he has to do, such as tidying up the shop or going through inventory, he does it without any complaints. He's been helpful to the other artists at the shop, giving them assistance if they need it. He even made sure to get a piercing license so that he can help with clients who come in for piercings. He said he wanted to be a Jack of all trades in the shop.

When it came to Jeongguk learning from me or the other tattoo artists, he's like a sponge, absorbing all the lessons we would teach him. He's so focused and is willing to learn and practice as much as he is able to. I sense such dedication in him, early on, that I knew he would be a great addition to our team of tattoo artists.

What I didn't expect, after taking him in as an apprentice, was how I started seeing him in a different light.

The more I got to know Jeongguk these past two years, the more I became drawn to him.

It's crazy, but I started to develop a crush on him, especially after I ended something a year ago.

There was just something about Jeongguk.

First off, the man is easy on the fucking eyes. Let's face it- he's breathtaking.

Then, we have his talent to consider. Even though he's just starting out as a tattoo artist, based on his art and the tattoos he's done so far, mostly on himself and the few clients he's worked on since receiving his license, he is going to be so sought-after. And, it's hard not to be attracted to a man who has that kind of talent.

Of course, I can't do anything about my attraction to Jeongguk.

As far as I know, he's only been involved with women. So, in that regard, I have no chance. Even if he was at least bi, like me, I wouldn't want anything to happen. He works for me and I don't want to mix business with pleasure.

I can at least admire him. But, I'll never act upon my slight feelings for him.

The door chiming breaks me away from my thoughts as I am sitting at Sana's receptionist desk. I was focused on a sketch that I'm working on for a client. This particular client wanted a portrait of her daughter.

When I look up to see who just entered, I see Jeongguk's friend, Cassie, walking towards me with a gentle smile.

She looks like she's dressed in an appropriate top that will make it easy for Jeongguk to tattoo her back. She also has her blue hair up in a messy bun, so that it's not in the way when Jeongguk works on her orchid.

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