85.2-lucius malfoy x reader

Start from the beginning

he felt easy complaining to you too. about his work and his elves not doing what they are supposed to do.

it seemed that with time you became each other safe spaces.

summer before seventh year, your parents went on a vacation and left you... behind.

'we will see you in the next holiday {Y/N}... keep safe... practice...'

you sighed deeply as you read the letter from your parents, informing you that just the day of your holiday, they are leaving and wont be able to pick you up, so you need to get yourself home.

"i cant believe it! just left you?" draco yelled, much angrier then you were with your parents.

"well, thats what they do..." you sigh, closing up the letter and discarding of it. "ill go get packing..." you say, getting up and start walking up to your dorm.

"wait {Y/N}" draco calls behind you, running up after you, "come with me?" he asks, pulling your hair from behind.

"where?" you ask, slapping back mindlessly to get him to leave your hair. "home! come to my house for the summer, or just till your parents are back, if you want!" he suggests, running up and walking infront of you.

"to your house? what am i gonna do there?" you ask, furrowing brows. "i dont know, you can sleep tight and complain! you do it anywhere, what do you care?" he asks laughing, hitting your forehead.

"yeah, being depressed at your house sounds better then mine" you snicker, opening the door to your dorm, draco walking ahead and falling into your bed.

"we have space, we have time, and you wont have to do no shit your parents make you do!" he offers as you started putting your clothes into your case.

"and what will your father say?" you ask reluctently.

for some reason, you never told draco you talked to his father, and now seemed like it was too late to do so.

"what does he care? he likes you, and if you just sit sulking in your bed all summer, you probably wont even see him much" he laughs, and you throw your shoes at him.

he keeps trying to make you join him, and in the end, you agree.

and now, you find yourself in the train station, waiting for dracos father with draco by your side.

he grew up a lot, now wearing a buttoned up shirt and his hair styled carefully, hes even already taller then you.

"are you sure he wont be mad for us not telling him im coming..." you murmur, looking around anxiously.

"he wont say anything, calm down you depressed rat" draco laughs, and in return you hit the back of his head quickly. he laughs and stands up tall again and wraps his arm around your waist, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder while you yelled and smacked him.

"let go of me!" you yelled, laughing, hitting his back, "i cant let thr rat run away!" he calls back, spinning you quickly while laughing.

"draco, this is not how we treat pretty girls"

you gasp, stop kicking and writhing, and draco just turns around to face his father, and... your ass in their faces.

"hello father, how are you?" draco asks, still not letting you off his shoulder. by now you already went limp, tired and embarressed.

"im well draco, and you?" he asks his son, a laughing edge to his voice. "oh we had a great time! snape gave {Y/N} here a summer project because she missed so many classes. also, can she stay with us for a week-two-three, whole summer vacation?" draco asks his father.

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