85.1-lucius malfoy x reader

Start from the beginning

"you have to continue with your piano lessons"

there wasnt a problem with that. you liked playing the piano. it was a hobby almost noone else knew.

for some reason, it seemed as if everyone knew you already. particularly your last name. and for some even more unknown reason, noone wanted to be friends with you.

you tried what you could, sitting with the other slytherins at meals, trying to talk to them in classes and in your free time, but it seemed like everyone was already set and you... were left alone.

all you had for you was your piano.

after some nagotiations, a room with a piano, where you could get your teacher to come and teach you how to play.

after a few months, you were sent home for new years, and again, your parents were invited to the malfoy manor, and you with them, for a new years party.

when you got there you immediatly got to playing with draco and telling him all about hogwarts, since the next year hes about to come to hogwarts as well.

"when i get into slytherin, we are going to be best friends {Y/N}!" he said to you an dinner table, while you told him everything about the amazing school.

"yeah we are! even though you are a year younger then me!" you laughed, draco almost got offended, but simply pushed you off your chair.

at some point, the door opened again, and you saw as your head of house, severus snape, walked into the dining hall.

"wow" you say out, "look at this!" you point at him, and draco looked ahead to find his godfather. "thats severus snape" draco said, "hes my godfather" he explained to you. "hes my teacher!" you tell him.

severus gets to the table and sits down, and he sees you. he sends your parents a smile, nodding at you kindly as you do the same.

after dinner, everyone went to the door, the malfoy family escorting everyone while they put on their coats.

as you put on your own coat, lucius smiled down at you. "have you been practicing your piano little {Y/N}?" he asks. you nod meekly.

"are you enjoying it?" he asks, and you return a nod, scared to look up.

"would you like to play something on my piano?" he asks.


you look over to your parents, and they both give you small nods and eyes that dare you to make a mistake.

you nod up at him, and he moves aside sweeftly, motioning for thr grandpiano in the room.

you walk over to it and sit down, and look at the cover. the cover that crushed your fingers and your heart.

before you pull it up, lucius comes over and stands beside it, opening up the cover for you and putting the needle through the loop to keep it there.

you look up at him, and he smiles down at you, nodding.

and with a deep breath, you started playing Debussy's clair du lune, carefully running your fingers on the keys, looking at the keys intensly, and right before you finished you made a small mistake and hit a different key. after a second of fear, you finish the piece and take a deep breath, sighing.

then, everyone claps.

"very well done"

and as you looked up, you saw lucius malfoy smiling down at you gently, and hes not mocking you.


when draco comes into hogwarts, he gets his own friends-two stupid bulls-but he doesnt forget about you. hes hanging around you so often, always at meals, between classes and in the common room.

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