99 | Alright

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'We'll be alright'

(2/2 of the double update)

Harry Styles


On my knees, on the ground, I looked up to the girl in front of me, hardly being able to fathom that this was happening. My lips parted and I just stayed there, completely frozen, not blinking.

My chest rose up and down and I couldn't seem to catch a breath from the shock of seeing her alive and breathing only a few feet in front of me. I could feel my pulse hammering in my throat and cracking my ribs. I felt like I had no control of my body.

I swore I felt the word actually come to a halt. It stopped spinning and everything froze.

She was here. Alive. Alive, standing right in front of me. And she was so pretty. Her curly hair hung down over her shoulders, and she was dressed in my shirt, my sweatpants. She had on no makeup, and I could see the dampness on her cheeks beneath her eyes, her eyes that were puffy and red.

She smiled faintly and nodded like she was telling me this was real, that this was all actually happening.

I couldn't smile back, and all I managed was a faint cry. A cry of an overwhelming feeling of emotions, everything I'd felt, every second I'd grieved for her. Every second I had spent without her the past almost two fucking months all hit me at once. I'd gone so long without her, way too fucking long, and I'd been having the worst withdrawals of my life. But here she was. Safe. Alive. Just a few feet in front of me.

And a second later, she launched herself forward. Within an instant, her arms were around the back of my neck, her legs around my hips as I stayed kneeling on the ground just inside the door. With just as much desperation, my hands wrapped around her waist and my hands fisted the material of her jumper, I held her as tightly as I could. And this time I was sure I was never ever going to let go.

My eyes squeezed shut and my throat felt like it was closing up. Her face was buried into the curve of my neck, and I could feel the dampness from her eyes on my skin, and I could feel the way she was shaking as she sobbed into my shoulder.

She was hugging me so tight that I could hardly breathe. And I held her back just as tightly, letting my forehead fall to her shoulder, where I took in a deep breath, finally, after so fucking long, finally being able to breathe in her scent that I missed so fucking much.

I hugged her tighter, even though I think it was possible to hold her tighter than I was before. I had one of my arms wrapped entirely around her back, with my other hand moving to cup the back of her hair, keeping her head buried into my neck as she cried.

I broke down, harder than I ever had before, worse than when they told me she was fucking dead. I couldn't contain a single emotion and I wasn't going to hold anything back. Most of me still had no fucking idea what was going on or how she was even here with me.

I was just crying, holding her.

But she was here, in my arms for the first time in months.

She pulled back from my shoulder, and her hands cupped my face as she rested her forehead against my own. Her eyes were glossy, and her cheeks were damp, I was sure I looked the same, probably worse. I got to look into her eyes properly for the first time since she was taken.

Her thumbs brushed back and forth beneath my eyes, trying to wipe away the tears that felt like they were never going to stop falling. She gave me a gentle smile, and the sight alone almost had my heart giving out completely.

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