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Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.

August 31st.
Day 22 without Diana.

Harry Styles

I felt physically sick.

I was so fucking scared.

Scared of what I was going to see.

If it was anything lie the time Liam and I found all those girls at that warehouse, I was sure I wouldn't be able to fucking cope. For weeks after seeing that, it was all I could see when I closed my eyes. And I'd have to see Diana here, chained up just like they were.

Kieran had traced the call yesterday morning, and now it was late afternoon the next day. The window of time we had to get her back was getting smaller and smaller.

I wanted to go the location straight away, so she didn't have to spend another second being fucking tortured.

But Kieran and Louis both reminded me that there were hundreds of men there, and we wouldn't be able to survive without a plan.

Zayn had practically force fed me sleeping pills so I could get at least a couple hours of sleep before we did anything, I couldn't properly function on the few hours of sleep I'd had over the past few weeks.

We spent so long crafting a plan to raid the building, backup plans, and backup plans for the backup plan. No matter what, I was going to find her before the night was over, and I was going to take her home. If they killed me, Zayn would get her, if they killed Zayn, Louis would get her, if they killed Louis, Liam would get her, if they killed Liam, Kieran would get her, and on top of us, there were over one hundred CIA agents surrounding the building. But I wasn't gonna fucking die. I promised her I wouldn't abandon her and I promised to take her home, so that's what I was going to do. We were going to take her home tonight.

The call was tracked to the last place I thought it was going to be.

Le Papillon bleu.

I had no idea why that's where his phone was tracked to, and at first I thought it was wrong, because there was no way that's where she was being held. But Kieran assured me that the tracking was right, and that where James was.

Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Kieran were all in the back of a van that I was driving. The back where they were sitting was completely filled with guns, knives, and all sorts of weapons that I was planning on murdering every single person I thought could have a single connection to Stefan.

Nobody has said a word, not even Kieran or Louis, which was practically unheard of. Everyone was too fucking scared of what was about to happen tonight.

But the only thing I was absolutely sure of was that I was going to get my Daisy out of there. And in a few hours, we were going to be in bed together, I'd let Donut sleep on the bed, I'd get to hold her again. We would be safe.

Another thing I was sure of, was that both James and Stefan were going to be dead before the sun came up.

I always wanted to give them a long and painful death, but they didn't even deserve that. They didn't deserve another breath of air. I wanted to rip their fucking lungs out of their bodies and watch as the life drained from their eyes.

I pulled the van to a stop just a block or two away from the club.

It was closed tonight, there was some sort of event happening

The showing that Kieran had mentioned.

I didn't know what The Showing was.

Kieran hadn't explained it to me, and to be honest, I was too fucking scared to ask.

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