23 | Gruesome

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March 20

That was a fucking Lie.

Seven days.

It's been a week since I've seen Harry, or even heard from him.

I hated that I gave into him like that and let him take me home. I hated even more that I asked him to stay.

And I hated how my heart broke when I woke up in the morning, and he was already gone.

The bed was empty and I was alone.

The clothes that he was wearing were folded up on the end of the bed, even though they were his clothes, I got to keep them.

And when I went through to the kitchen, I saw that the whole place had been tidied, there was no aftermath of my horrible mistakes.

And sitting on the kitchen counter was an apple, with a sticky note next to it saying 'eat'.

He was very demanding even though sticky notes.

My fridge too, it had been completely filled with fresh foods, fruit, veg, everything I needed. There was fresh bread on the counter alongside pastas and other random things.

I cried. I was so grateful, I still forced myself to hate him but he had no idea how much it helped me, because it meant I could pay rent, and actually eat more than a slice of bread and some corn flakes per day.

I could eat three full meals and not have to worry about not being able to afford to pay for my apartment too.

I did wonder how the fuck he managed to do all that without waking me up.

And I hadn't seen him since that night.

He never came to my work the next day like he said he would.

I felt like an idiot for spending the whole day waiting for him to come and see me, I was excited to see him.

But he never turned up.

And then the fucking cherry on top....I got fired from the Beachwood yesterday.

I mean I wasn't surprised, but I was kind of annoyed.

Apparently staking unexplained breaks off work, disappearing into my own world inside my head, and having poor work ethic were the reasons. Also, Micheal filed a complaint with my boss saying I spilled coffee on him

And, when Harry took me home, I wasn't even done with my shift, so I just left for no reason.

So for the past week I had been taking extra shifts at the club, needing the money more desperately.

But I was in a good mood tonight, I was going to the club tonight, not to work, but just to have a good time with Jade, she wanted to have a girl's night.

The trick was to convince her to pre-drink, so she would be completely unaware of the vast amount of alcohol I was planning on drinking tonight.

I hadn't drunk anything in a week, since the day Jade and Liam had to take me home and put me to bed. But tonight I could just have a good time with it, I just needed the few hours of having fun.

It really didn't take much to convince her, I swore to her that I wanted to come and have fun, not to come and distract myself. Which was a half lie. I wanted to distract myself by having fun.

The marks on my body left by James were pretty much gone, but I felt self-conscious and insecure, like they were still covering me, and I had to cover them up. There were some faint purple marks on my body. When I was working at the club, I managed to cover them all pretty well, wearing corsets, gloves and high stockings to cover as much of my body as possible, while still wearing as little as possible.

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