10 | New Year

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December 31

New Year's eve.

It's been two days since Harry took me to that art gallery. I'm still not exactly sure why he did it but I loved it there. I loved getting to see all of the art that I've only ever seen pictures of online.

He didn't talk much when we were there, he just let me ramble on and I knew that he wasn't listening, but he never told me to shut up like I was used to being told when I spoke too much.

I asked him to drive me to the club because I had to start work not long after we left. He drove back in silence while I sang along to some songs of my choice, I sang quietly though since I didn't want to annoy him anymore.

And, I noticed that he added his number to my phone, he must have taken it after my call with James. I wasn't planning on using his number, but I didn't delete it. I don't know why.

He came into the cafe the next two days and stayed until I finished my shift, which wasn't unusual for him to do. Ordering the same black coffee he did every day and watching my every move like a hawk.

He walked me home every day he came back, it wasn't exactly an option for me if I wanted him to or not, he just kinda showed up and I never told him to leave. He was nice to me then, he still didn't talk much but I liked seeing him and it was nice to walk me home since it had gotten dark by the time I finished.

He would walk me home and I would talk shit the whole time, but he asked me how my day was every single day. The simple action made me hate the curly-haired smirky bastard slightly less.

New year was possibly the busiest night at the Club, people came from all over the city to come to the infamous blue club, known for the amazing dancers, and performances it was also known for being very easy to get drugs from, the owners didn't care and people would sit in the middle of the club and put strange pills and powders into their bodies, nobody batted an eyelid.

Jade and I were performing a routine together on the main stage, I was excited to finally get to dance with her again.

I was stepping in for Lola, who had randomly just stopped showing up for work.

It was originally supposed to be Lola and Jade that were dancing, but nobody could get a hold of her so I took her place.

I had gone to her apartment, so we could get ready together before going to the club. She was much better at makeup than me, so I'd asked her to do it for me.

I told her that I wanted to step out of my comfort zone tonight. I had winged eyeliner, simpler and thinner than I'd normally wear, on top of the light blue eyeshadow she had done, with some light gold glitter in the corners of my eye.

She gave me fake eyelashes, which I never normally wear because my natural eyelashes were already pretty long, but it looked nice.

I had a peachy pink lipstick on with some clear lip gloss on top and the highlighter made my cheekbones stand out. She had done an amazing job, as usual.

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