26 | Cherry Wine

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2/3 of the triple update, read Ch25 first :)

January 30

49 days ago

Harry Styles

There was a nauseous feeling in my stomach the closer I got to seeing Daisy. I had no idea what I was going to see, but judging by the painful cry that I heard through the phone, I knew it was going to be bad.

She called me, through the phone I heard a gut-wrenching sob tear through her throat. The sounds of crying and pure pain echoed through the phone. Each sob was broken up by her trying to breathe but she couldn't. It was like all her emotions she had been hiding had all caught up with her at once.

It was like torture, listening to her, I felt so helpless standing there. It was like someone had stabbed me with a burning knife, then slowly twisted the blade. I was frozen.

There were a million questions firing through my head. Was she going to have more bruises on her neck? What if she passed out? Did he punch her?

I heard her say that he was going to hurt her, and I told her I wouldn't let that happen.

But that's exactly what I did, I let her get hurt.

I saw how angry James got at that restaurant, and it was me that caused it, I deliberately pissed him off and had my hands all over her just to get a reaction out of him.

I've done it before, teasing a girl in front of her boyfriend just to annoy him, but I had never heard someone that had to pay the price for it.

Daisy was hot, she was a tease, there was only so much time before I tried to make a move with her, but I still felt bad.

I wanted to see the prick for myself, that's why I went to the table, maybe I didn't think it through properly. She got mad, and it was hard for me to not get distracted because she was so hot when she was mad.

And now Daisy was crying in pain because of me.

I didn't care what he did, no matter how bad he hurt her, I was going to kill him. I was going to make it slow and painful, dragging it out as long as possible. He was going to suffer, just like he made her suffer.

My heart was beating so fast, I knew it was nerves. I've never had this sort of feeling before, it was new for me and I hated it.

The second I got to her door I knocked aggressively on the wood, only for the door to crack open when my fist met it, it was already unlocked. I didn't know what to expect when I walked through the door, but I had assumed I would hear her crying, or I'd see her somewhere.

But there was only silence and her apartment was empty.

The lights were off, but the small glow coming from the window across the room was enough to light up the room that I could see she wasn't in here.

I took a few steps forward, walking inside and kicking the door shut behind me, scanning my eyes across the room looking for her as if I had missed her the first time.

She wasn't here.

"Daisy" I called out, hoping for some form of response, but I got nothing. The apartment stayed silent. There was an uneasy feeling in my stomach, I felt panicked.

I walked further into the silent apartment, my heart hammering against my chest, I was worried for her, and I didn't like it.

I walked down a narrow hallway, my boots scuffing against the floor as I walked slowly, trying to be silent incase I heard something.

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